Premades need to be stopped

ya too bad the person that is wrong has lied to themselves so much the truth won’t ever matter to them :slight_smile:

Dude… I just googled this. That sucks. Feels for you man. I disagree with you on wow pvp but if you legit can’t do that…im sorry.

Ok what did I miss is the “I can’t play well with others” team winning yet ? Or are we still at the decade + standstill regurgitating the same ol sad arguments over and over into nothingness?

its been going on for days now

i brought us snaccs :grapes: :banana: :apple: :green_apple: :pear: :cherries: :strawberry: :blueberries: :pretzel: :bagel: :cheese: :waffle: :pancakes: :bacon: :hamburger: :hamburger: :fries: :fries: :fries: :taco: :taco: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cookie: :doughnut: :ice_cream: :shaved_ice: :icecream: :rice: :rice: :rice: :baguette_bread: :croissant: :croissant: :croissant: :burrito: :burrito: :burrito: :tamale: :tamale: :tamale: :tamale: :ramen: :ramen: :ramen: :ramen: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :spaghetti: :spaghetti: :spaghetti: :spaghetti: :pie: :tea: :tea: :tea: :chocolate_bar: :chocolate_bar: :chocolate_bar: :chocolate_bar: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :doughnut: :doughnut: :shaved_ice: :shaved_ice: :bubble_tea: :bubble_tea: :bubble_tea: :cup_with_straw: :cup_with_straw: :beverage_box: :beverage_box: :ice_cube: :ice_cube: :ice_cube: :ice_cube: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :candy: :candy: :lollipop: :fortune_cookie: :fortune_cookie: :fortune_cookie: :fortune_cookie: :egg: :egg: :fried_egg: :fried_egg: :fried_egg: :salt: :butter: :milk_glass: :milk_glass: :milk_glass:

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Winner winner chicken dinner.

Whereas, I think it’s great. I don’t have constant intrusions into my day.

It was crazy when I learned that other people could do something that I always thought was a metaphor. But there are lots of positives. And I’ve never been able to do it, so it’s not something I miss.

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snow cones , icecream , iced water and pool!

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catching up, but i haven’t streamed in a while because i live out in the sticks and only have 5mb of upload because starlink isn’t good enough for gaming or streaming, so im not sure what Charming was talking about.

PVP isn’t dying, at least not epics, our queue times are averaging a quarter or less of what they were in BfA and SL. if anything i think a lot of people who came back just for the expansion launch are now burning out and quitting, this is a pretty normal trend and they will be back next expac launch. you also have online engagement dropping universally as well, people have been burnt out by meta and twitter and reddit and are now quitting the internet and going out into the woods to connect with nature.

Do you not see all the pugs leaving your games? And then the replacement pugs? And then the replacement pugs for the replacement pugs?

Queue times depend more on faction balance.

Listen to this explanation:

^ Now consider how many people’s fun get ruined by a premade raid in epic bgs and how many noobs get traumatized into never PvPing again.

Who wrote this?

You. Before you fell to the dark side.


I mean the first idea was to have blizz fix PVP or make rated appealing in the slightest, buttttttttttt since that’s a bust might as well ask for something easier like not letting 15 Glads join a "Random "<---- (oh the irony) BG.

OMG OMOMG OMG. I am tearing up because I can’t believe Ms Inemia used to belong to the “good” side.

I will now archive Ms Inemia’s old message and every time I get put into her premade, I will paste her message in chat for everyone to see.

I think we should change Ms Inemia’s title because she had turned to the dark side. Now we should address Ms Inemia as Darth Inemia. How does that sound?

premades are a bad thing. i have to agree. they put me in a bad group. so i resign. doing so reduce anger. last time i saw a player being mean to me. so i shut a player up. not one. but the world.

sometimes people leave, but im not going to guess as to their reasons, i have left winning games over stupid reasons. the vast majority of the time SAS is more concerned with how well we achieve plan execution, we aren’t there to farm pugs, when people leave we just laugh because we will likely finish this map before their deserter has cleared.

i have suggested an overhaul to the afk system however that targets chronic afkers while allowing regular pvpers to leave the occasional game.

a bit, but our times today are still lower than ally times in bfa and sl. the overall rate of players queueing per minute for epics is 4-10 times higher than it used to be, thats huge. if the game is dying, it will be a minute before we notice in epics because our community as a whole has grown so rapidly recently.

i did, but that was also ~4500 games ago.

Mr Munz, you engage in activities that are most definitely immoral such as doxxing and stalking. i don’t think you of all people get to call my playing with friends a bad thing.

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I’m having near 20 minutes queue times on the dominate faction. SL I had 10 tops. BFA it was 5-8.

Yesterday I waited 32 minutes for an epic BG to pop. This was at 3pm. In BFA I was in a huge BG community. SL there were ~20 of us active. Now I’m the only one that logs on.

Just look at the thread that Holycow keeps linking. It’s like a graveyard.

we have cookies over here :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

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im sorry to hear that , the community i am in is pretty large and active . i have yet to level my horde im waiting til patch bcuz i want to level one of the AR ones .

How are our awesome premades doing so far tonight?

Just faced a SAS premade as a PUG. Afk’d out and hopped on another char to pvp. Kinda sad I have to do that

Played a drinking game last night with my friends every time a certain poster used the word “cheat.”

No losses for DJL! cheers We had I think 4 AV’s and summoned the Ice Lord. There’s pics in disc. We had a good night.