Premades need to be stopped

Yea but how old

I’m 29

You don’t want to ban people using communities to enjoy eBG games?

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It all makes so much sense to me now

yep people that are exploit and circumventing the system

Oh, so you do want people banned. So, I’m not making stuff up. It’s a real merry-go-round with you isn’t it?

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yes i want people that exploit and cheat banned

Yo Hirav

But communication isn’t cheating.

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this is not what i said LOL

YO HIRAV :mega: :mega:

It is what you said.

People who are communicating, are playing the game in a way that you do not want to. They should be banned.

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i waved hello how rude >:(

where did i say that?

He’s upset I pointed out he’s bad at pvp

This and only this is necessary for my reply.

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im going to guess hes over 10000000000 yrs old since hes a panda monk

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The windmill always waves back, IT ALWAYS WAVES.

Oh, I don’t know if I’d go that far, maybe a smidge under.

lmfaooooooo :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :skull: :skull: :skull: