Premades need to be stopped

Well, of course you would say that. You are you.

And your feelings can be wrong.

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Do you really think that you’re growing the community

by smashing all new players into the floor?




There are certainly lots of communities.

sync queue definitely does harm to this game


I know but the pvp community is shrinking, and people express frustration about sync q

yall can barely get 40 people to come play most of the time

you only care about yourself that much is VERY clear you will destroy this game just to make yourself feel better because you have no respect for anything

But you want to ban everyone who doesn’t play it the way you want to.

I want to see the game changed so more people can enjoy it.

I don’t want to ban everyone who sync qs, I just want cross faction q so it throws a monkey wrench in it


no I want to ban people that go out of their way to play unfairly and exploit to do it lol

There are 1000 people actively in SaS. They do regular purges of inactive players. But it’s international, so not everyone is on at the same time. Some people go outside and touch grass on occasion.

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cross faction queues would fix the sync queue problem easily

not really they will always find a way

so of the 50-100 people that log on everyday

do you see that number increasing or decreasing?

would randomize the teams

would be impossible to do it

Why are you replying as though you are Thaedreu?

Why are you replying as if thaedreu is the only person you’re having a conversation with.

it’s hard for him to make excuses to two people lol

My reply, that Thaedreu wants to ban everyone who isn’t playing the game the way they want it. Your response is that you don’t. It’s just odd.

How old are you?

I have never said that stop making stuff up haha

Old enough.