Premades need to be stopped

ok ok 9000 yrs then

Did you see what ruin would do in Isle of conquest?

They’d get 30-40 of their members into an instance and allow the horde pugs to cap refinery and quarry which caused them to gain additional resources periodically.

They would then spend 2 hours farming the graveyards until the horde ran out of resources.

9001 would be better. Probably shows my age too.

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I just don’t see the fun in that

SEEEEE ik i was close ish kek

Its so inefficient for hk farming. Just playing to win and doing multiple games in an hour gives way more.

Reminds of the people that say “I’m farming honor”

Take it from the 1500 honor level person.

You get honor level by winning.

Oddly, you also get it by killing the same group of people over and over again. I’ve been camped, not it isn’t fun. But sometimes you do the camping. Sometimes, games are close. Those are few and far between though.

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winning a bg every 10 minutes is way more honor than that

insane to me you’ve done more bgs than me, have over 1k honor level less and you’re trying to tell me how to farm it


Yes it is. But I don’t believe I specified any quantity in my post.

The people I talk to describe it as being the best way to get honor.

I played before honor levels were introduced. Then didn’t play WoW for a number of years, I came back to it for Shadowlands.

well thats obvious

So your point about honor levels was pointless.


You’re making it more obvious

You are making it more obvious that you have forgotten what grass looks like.

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You’re the one who’s been in this thread all day long

and yesterday

and the day before that

It’s open on my third screen, while I play wow.

That’s not touching grass