Premades need to be stopped

you couldn’t be anymore wrong . Im a real person who doesnt need to tell irl lawyers over disagreements about bg forums over a game try again .

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Just making sure you know I’m better than you <3

Enjoy exploiting to beat up pugs.

Yes, it’s clear that you think that way.

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It’s real in their mind, like a lot of other things.

Wait a minute, you literally can’t see things inside your head- I keep forgetting this, I’m sorry Hirav- which speaks volumes to your ability to problem solve. This seems patronizing, but I CANNOT IMAGINE not imagining?

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Why are you going there man

Do we really want another maldiva thread?

I don’t know you that well, don’t pretend like I do. Is there something specific other than your delusions of paladin hero syndrome, etc? Am I unaware of something? I’m not seeking to pay attention to it, so don’t lead me into it.

*I’m not even going to justify that with a further response, lol. btw joker would lose to me

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Those doofuses aren’t lawyers. You’re giving them wayyyy too much clout.

100% honest dotlom

You had a lot of respect from me until now.

Sad that every epic bger devolves to transphobia when I challenge them on skill

thats it imma tell them you talkin :poop: :poop: :poop:

All good. It’s nice in here. I don’t relive the past as much as others. There are a lot of positive qualities to it.

I’ll call them right now! Just don’t tell the head of the department. That guy scares the crap outta me.

thats it im going to HR Boss you r on enrage timer now :smiling_imp:

I just assumed their cat was their legal dept. Don’t trust cats, they do what they want.

Have to admit I love mine, but I don’t trust him, he gets into the weirdest spots.

you keep talking about things provided by the game like gear and chat and stuff but you go OUT OF YOUR WAY to circumvent the system that blizzard has in place to only allow MAX 5 people in a group into an epic bg and your excuse is “oh everyone can cheat so it’s ok that I cheat and it’s not actually cheating because everyone else can cheat if they wanted to” it’s just plain pathetic and childish dude… if you hate “herding catlike noobs” go play a different game what make you so special that you can go around the system and think it’s ok how insanely entitled are you to honestly think that way?

Are communities provided by the game?
Do you have to download an addon for it?
Isn’t it in the same place as guild finder?
You can search for a community of like minded players yourself. You don’t have to go out of your way to do it. The function is authorized by Blizzard.

does blizzard allow you to join a epic bg in a raid group…

No. No one is doing that. Only groups of up to 5 players can click the button. Larger groups cannot click the button. The system places multiple groups into the same eBG. Blame the system, not the player.

you go out of your way to cause the system to do that though XD therefor EXPLOITING that said system

No, telling people about the status of your queue is communicating. It is in the game, you don’t have to do anything special to let them know, you just have to chat.

Just because you don’t want to communicate with your fellow gamers doesn’t mean anyone who does is cheating.

so yall just randomly queue and don’t go out of your way to time it so yall get the same bg? and if you say yes you are lying lol