Premades need to be stopped

They tell each other when they are queuing. No one disputes this. The system decides where and when to place them in a game.

ok then you are going out of your way to go around the system that is in place to get an unfair advantage. it’s not rocket science bud at least just be honest with yourself if not me.

No. You can’t get around the system. The restriction is in place. You cannot queue with more than 5 players in a group. The system then decides to place multiple groups into the same eBG, blame the system, not the player.

Just because you don’t like how the system operates, doesn’t mean the players are cheating.

no you can’t but you go AROUND THAT SYSTEM to get more then 5 in you’re EXPOITING the system…

I love the rage. It gets obvious when you can’t distinguish between then and than.

But apparently you can?

The system operates in a specific way. Don’t blame players. Blame the system.

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they system is not doing it you are lol honestly just stop bud be the bigger man and care about the game you play

The system places groups into the games that the system wants to place them into.

The restriction is the amount of people who can queue as a single group.

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You keep pointing at the players. “The players are cheating, they are wrong, ban the players”.

I’m pointing out that the players are using the tools available to them to make the game enjoyable for them.

We want more players playing PvP, if you ban all the PvP players, you’ll have less. May as well just play comp stomp, those bots at least do objectives. It’s incredible how well they spin a flag. If only their gear was as good as the players, it might actually be a challenge. (Though I admit, I’ve been in teams which struggled with them).

If anything needs to be changed, change the system.

Just because our ideas of caring about the game are different, doesn’t mean you are correct.

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stop being a gross person

Only 5 people are allowed you are right. But what the premade communities do is have multiple groups of 5 drop que until they get a satisfactory que. And in doing so screw over a great deal of other players. And also flying brazenly in the face of the system that only allows 5.


I haven’t experienced that personally. The times I’ve been on my SaS toon, people will join any pop which comes, and make the best of what happens.

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so you are openly admitting you do not care about other people playing the game?

What are you talking about now?

Perhaps they don’t but some do it. and it is very possible ruin basically live streams it every day.

Oh, so we should tar everyone with the same brush?

Well I’ve seen inemia do it on his stream so it’s not exactly unfounded to assume sas does it.

Tarring people with the same brush.

This person does this thing. So everyone must do it. Ban them all.

The same thing they’ve always talked about; not being very good. These people are seeking a confession from the world as to their woes- why bother with their superstitions? They might as well tilt at windmills some more.

wee bit of irony not calling people good

I’m not here to thump my rating, you’re not the first to try either. How unoriginal. Perhaps you’d care to be an exception instead of another example, as usual?

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