Premades need to be stopped

Oh my God just stop already. Drop the charade.

The restriction is group size? Yes? Are people queuing in groups larger than 5? No. They can’t.

What the system decides to do with multiple groups is not the fault of individual groups.

No charade. The restriction is group size. Only a group, up to 5 players can queue.

There is no restriction on multiple groups being placed in an eBG by the system. Otherwise the system would not do this.

Blizzard designed this system. They haven’t changed it in at least 8 years.

You aren’t in an epic BG community man, you’re in a cult.

I’m not. I don’t really play with them as much as you hope. I just understand that it is a lot better than herding cats.

You’re right it is. It’s a lot better. It’s easier. It’s less frustrating. It’s nice to be with like minded people. That isn’t up for debate. You know what you’re doing. You’re doing it intentionally. That’s the charade. You keep trying to spin it in a positive light. You are intentionally trying to get more than 5 in a game. There is no accident, and the only randomness that happens is when you try to get 30 in and only 25 get in.

Dude I twinked in the 19, 29, and 39 brackets. We showed up in full groups and made leveling BGs a literal hell for 30 levels.

It was fully allowed by Blizz and they didn’t do anything for years. That didn’t make it right. It was scummy. Just like what epic BG premades are doing.

Good. Glad we got there.

Yep. No dispute here either.

I don’t think you know what that means.

Yes. People should group to make content enjoyable. It would please me if more people did it.

Not just trying, succeeding. The system allows it. There is no restriction here.

The only restriction is groups larger than 5 cannot click the button.

It still is. Twinks still play. They don’t have separate queues anymore. People complained about queue times.

Just like Blizzard hasn’t changed the queue system for at least 8 years.

Does it make it cheating?

They changed it in BFA.

We got our hands on gear that the average leveler would not have access to. In a way, yes.

Yes they do.

So. No. Not cheating. Unless you squint and look at it at an angle?

I don’t enjoy fighting twinks. Unless they’re the other kind of twink.

But you don’t see me creating hundreds of posts complaining about their cheating ways. They are playing the game, in their way, just let them be.

One of the leaders needed to group with a lvl 60 player to grind a high level faction just to get a medicine pouch off hand weapon. This is an example of a using something that wasn’t blizzards original intention.

You didn’t need to. There were thousands upon thousands of twink complaint threads. And in WoTLK Blizz gave us the boot.

So, did anyone get banned for cheating?

You coming to bg fight night hirav?

Yes. They separated the queues and many found ways to work around it. They were banned.

Nah. I don’t need to prove anything to myself. Have fun though.

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Would have been really fun to anhilate you on stream in front of kthis

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I like the selective reading skills you have.

I like your ability to hide from a fair match

Not hiding. Just nothing to prove.

Because you know I’m better than you already?

No, don’t need to swing my hammer to prove to myself how I want to play my game.