Premades need to be stopped

That explains a lot. Everyone’s out to get you, it’s true. Have any brain-force supplements to try and shill, too?


I’m surprised I’m still not on ignore. It took you far less time to put my alt on ignore. Maybe I’ve lost my touch.

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I can’t ignore the cries of a child. You’re a perpetual amusement to me and plenty of others, on and off the field- but mostly the former. Shame.


But you put my other toon on ignore. You wouldn’t lie to me. You’ve never lied to me. Is this how it ends? We just slowly drift apart?

I don’t even remember who that’d be, am I supposed to care now? Reveal your true form, scum, so I can do a Fred ala Scooby Doo.

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Oh come on. You, me, Akatsuki. We split a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. The sweet aroma of epic battlegrounds in the air. I’m very hurt that I meant so little to you.

I thought this was clear. I just like hammering things.

Eh whatever. You playing this weekend? I saw you in the SAS chat earlier.

oh… really… :eyes:


Quick, a pally needs to bop Bri.

99% sure ur a pally

it’s not odd lol, a lot of jobs have downtime. my job has insane moments where a single flight can demand 4+ hours of my undivided attention or everything can go early and i have 2-3 hours of downtime between tasks since no problems to fix

eh this mentality is changing, a lot of older/non gaming folks are starting to understand that videogames are here to stay and sports/streaming/the massive industry of mobile phone games are really helping that along

i told my coworkers today that im thrilled someone at work picked up my shift on wednesday so that i have a 4 day weekend instead of 3 day weekend and can all-nighter on tuesday night for the hpal rework ive been waiting for since basically 2016 and they were all like :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: for me


Never mind. I got the meme wrong. It’s bonk, not bop.

Dang I was about to do “big dam”

Below that snippet of quote I said those aren’t my opinions.

Well that same comment goes to who Evers words those were. Your good :+1: was nothing against you

So, I can disable chat. Everyone else, who is using chat, is cheating. And they will all get banned. Just because they haven’t yet, doesn’t mean that they wont, Blizzard just haven’t had enough reports yet.

I refuse to wear gear. Anyone using gear is cheating. They will be banned. Just because they haven’t yet, doesn’t mean that they wont, Blizzard just haven’t had enough reports yet.

Someone plays using foot pedals, anyone who doesn’t is cheating and they will be banned. Just because they haven’t yet, doesn’t mean that they wont, Blizzard just haven’t had enough reports yet.

You refuse to chat to like minded players via a Blizzard provided (thus authorized) function within the game, those that use the method are cheating and they will all get banned. Just because they haven’t yet, doesn’t mean that they wont, Blizzard just haven’t had enough reports yet.

This is your logic, relying on the phrase any activity.

People don’t circumvent restrictions to wear gear.

If people were circumventing restrictions to wear gear and gain an advantage over other players, then yeah. But, they’re not.

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No one is circumventing restrictions.

Only 5 people can be in a group. Any group larger than 5 are unable to click the queue button.

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