Premades need to be stopped

lol and this is why my example of stealing without getting caught by your “logic” is not stealing is a damn home run because you are saying “oh blizzard has not done anything so that means it’s ok”
Logic isn’t something you seem to even have a tiny grasp on lol

Odd you wanna talk about logic while u move ur very twisted “logic” all over the board. Does it get tiring moving the posts??

When you have a legitimate point BACKED by Blizzard WITH BANS, then I will believe you. In the mean time stay salty cause ur not only wrong but hilariously outmatched here.

lol my logic has always been the same and has always been sound yall are the ones that try to gaslight and deflect everything… honestly be better lol

Honestly get gud. Or make friends.
We havent moved anything you keep trying to conflate 2 separate issues to push ur false point of views.

Especially sad considering if it was illegal we would have all been mass banned. An yet here we are still saying what we do an nothing happens.

I’ve never stopped at the stop sign next to my house. I’ve never gotten a ticket. No one I know has gotten a ticket.

haha typical answer “get gud” and i do have friends we just don’t choose to cheat to win because we can actually win without exploits

Lmao if you wanna go that route its already been covered.

For one like running a redlight or stop sign isnt a victimless crime. Just like stealing isnt a victimless crime.

2 Grouping with friends isnt a punishable offense. An since no punishments have been given out no bans DESPITE them having plenty of information an knowledge of these so called “cheaters”. I’m gona keep going with its a none issue.

Except cheating is a bannable offense an since 0 bans have happened or shown no offense.
Ur acting as if we are sneaking under their radar or hiding it which is hilarious.
Its one button Push thats it.

I can think of at least 40 victims when you are premading with your pals.

You’re thriving in Blizzard Complacency. I saw a druid named stickykumfur. Blizz knows he exists, yet he remains. Just because Blizzard is lazy doesn’t mean that what you’re doing isn’t wrong.


it’s just nothing but excuses from these people lol

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Blizzard: “Hey, premade raids are driving players away from PvP.”

Premade Raider: “No ban? Don’t care.”


It doesn’t hurt them in the slightest they can walk away at anytime. An its hardly complacency its a none issue which is why I find it hilarious with all these claims of “cheating” nothing has happened.

If Blizzard cared they would have this issue fixed INSTANTLY near 2 decades of this an they put a bandaid on a bullet hole.

If I wanna que with friends IN a MMO it isn’t hurting anyone. Ur inability to que with other people or have friends in game to do bgs with is not our problem.

You dont pay our subs you dont even have to que up. Hell you dont even have to do anything at all. Walk away its that simple, vote with ur wallets an make them fix the supposed cheating properly.

What isnt gona happen is the people queing an having a good time gona be labeled as cheaters for using the system Blizzard gave us no matter how garbage that system is.

every boring excuse in the book and the selfish entitlement is funny to me.

why you naming and shaming players thats against the tos of forum rules . Even if they post in forums your not allowed to name and shame here . tsk tsk .


lmfao wait what i gotta scroll up incase i missed something LMAO

It’s very obvious that PvP resources (if there are any) are stretched very thin.

This isn’t an easy issue to fix instantly. Any measures they take will negatively affect queue times for all the other players who aren’t cheating.

Premade raiders will continue testing the limits of the system so they can circumvent them.


Ahh because you see its rule for you an me not for thee. So they can insult us call us names an say whatever they want.

So their superior mentality/morals are upheld, they just dismiss anyone who disagrees as a cheater or garbage.
Cant even make this stuff up.

BAHAHAAHAHAHAHAA IM DYING EITHER HES TROLLING HARD OR LIKE THIS CANT BE REAL ROTFL :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:


Its not lack of resources its either lazyness or they dont care because its a none issue. Enough people pvp that they could dedicate a team to it an make things work.

They could sit one guy at a computer an say hey these people are leading Epic BG community groups an party syncing ban them for X amount of time. It would be better them them doing nothing which is currently the go to.