Premades need to be stopped

Swing and a miss bots get banned, it just takes time to find them or get reported.
This isnt a 1 for 1 argument lol

Our co-founder came into the office one day and couldn’t wait to show me the lego tie figher he built.

Pft. Those baboons aren’t lawyers.

exactly it takes time lol so not a swing and a miss :wink:

coolest boss ever wtf

Find me the people being banned for syncing.
Better yet where is the proof they are being banned and follow up dont use random anecdotals or outdated posts from a guy who left the game long ago who holds no power.

Cause by ur logic myself Bri an many others who openly admit to group ques would have been Axed long ago

He also brought in an N64 and grabbed us from our desks a handful at a time to come and play Mario Kart 64 with him in the conference room. He’s a fun guy.

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You didn’t use the exact word research, but it can easily be inferred.
I can guess you work at a law firm based on these quotes, and your co-workers who probably have real pending cases that are important didn’t find your question about a video game odd? I don’t know a lot of things in your post don’t seem to add up, no sane person at a law firm would answer that question with a straight face.

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alright let’s use our brains here imagine you are working a cashier job now if you steal a few bucks every day from the register with your logic as long as you don’t get caught it’s legal right?

“BUZZZZZZZ” wrong answer false.
Literal stealing isnt = to queing moving ur goal post isnt helping you.

lol you are cheating though by definition so it is equal because you are saying blizzard has not done anything yet about you cheating therefor it is not cheating XD

Did you just compare stealing to something you disagree with in a video game, did that just happen?

BTW, if this keeps up going to drink shots with my friends tonight every time you use the word CHEAT.


Hardly ur trying to push a false narrative ans put words in my mouth.

Stealing is illegal period.
Queing with friends is not.

They are not the same at all.
Though I guess you wouldn’t know what friends are if this is ur attitude.


engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.
stop lying XD

I could see how you could see that. The whole interaction was a lot more casual than what is represented.

No. They aren’t even all lawyers. I work for a large nationwide company. I’m located in the HQ. We have a legal team, but it’s made up of various specialists that are wrapped up in all forms of law. The head of the team I never bother. And he never bothers you unless you’re being sued.

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engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Ahhh my gear gives me an unfair advantage guess Im cheating.
O man my skill is unfair advantage guess Im cheating.
See how stupid this sounds

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lol wtf are you talking about why do you try to change it to fit your narrative?

I havent changed anything by ur logic ANYTHING that gives you an advantage is cheating.

So I hope you remove all ur Add-ons.
If you outgear someone do u even it out an put on weaker gear? Nope damn thats cheating. Ur higher stats are an unfair advantage.

smh those are things that are allowed Synce queue IS NOT ALLOWED. Therefor it give you and UNFAIR ADVANTAGE.
engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Except it is allowed an since I havent seen a single bit of proof of a ban for ANYONE. Its allowed since Blizzard despite having the ability to take action hasnt.

Ty for wrapping this up an being so understanding I know it was difficult.