Premades need to be stopped

Yes? I brought it up in between our talks about our DnD groups and what we are currently doing in Tears of the Kingdom. Idk where you work but the job market is hot right now. Find another job that is more relaxed.

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Where I work we don’t have time to discuss what we do on our free time. But that isn’t really my point. My point is that you are taking this to a level that is borderline scary and out right weird. There are things that people do in game that I don’t agree with, but you don’t see me discussing it at work or making over 9,000 posts about it.


Sounds awful. Come work on my team. 55k start with OTE of ~30-40k.

Why is talking to someone on a legal team so intimidating to you? They’re people too, not robots. It was brought up and over with before the coffee was even finished brewing. The EULA is a legal document. You wouldn’t believe some of the silly things that get asked.

uh oh someone is afraid of facts and logic haha

They were three different things to do. But all of them can make the game more fun.

Because you are talking about a video game at work, you don’t find that odd at all? No, I wouldn’t want to work where you are at no matter how much they paid me, anyone who took you seriously and actually “researched” whether it is cheating or not has to much time on their hands or are not doing the job they are paid for.

Like go outside and reflect on your life decisions, and tell yourself this is a video game not real life.

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Most “adult” jobs have a lot of free time

There’s exceptions for sure, but office work from my experience is like that.

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I am not the one posting over and over that people are cheating. You have a right to your opinion but after the 99th time you keep saying this is cheating it gets old. We get it, it bothers you but my god you are beating a dead horse.


The game also was designed to be fun. But over the years the company gave up so the player base had to create ways for it to be fun again.


Not even a little bit.

There was no research involved. They just read the sentence. They look at legal documents all day, they could do this in their sleep. I think you have some misconceptions about office work. Hell usually at this time I am already on the golf course. Ya know, touching that freshly mowed grass. But with a real feel of 106 I don’t think i’ll be doing that any time soon.


I don’t know, most adult jobs employees don’t talk about how a video game is triggering them because they think people are cheating. If I went to my principal or grade level with this they would be polite and listen, then go about their work while thinking I am taking a video game way to serious.


Hey now! That was the other guy. I’ve only said it like twice in this thread.

Depends if your co-workers are your friends, or just work-friends

I don’t see anything odd talking to your co-workers about your hobby

I guess I’m just an odd person? I just try and stay genuine lol


You were the one that stated your co-workers researched this, your words not mine.

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so you expect people to not call out cheating where cheating is happening? very entitled of you lol

I don’t remember saying research. But if I did, that is inaccurate.

And if they can send me LoTR memes through google chat then I can absolutely show them a few sentences from an EULA.

Lmao, you bothered lawyers over us? I take it as a compliment. Our community chat is almost nothing but 1’s. Anything interesting happens in disc and/or officer chat.


No, what I am saying is how many times are you going to say the same thing over and over. I think everyone here can agree we know where you stand on this topic, no need to keep repeating the same thing over and over.

Please watch til the end.

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If cheating is happening Blizzard would ban with enough reports or evidence. Clearly the lack of ANY of that happening is proof of it not.

Weird how that works isnt it.

blizzard let bots happen for years XD that is cheating as well