Premades need to be stopped

my problem with separate queues is splitting the community and queue times. I run a fair amount of epics and see a lot of the same names, I don’t personally think the community is big enough to have separate queue times. Could just be my perspective, but no one wants to wait 20-30 mins to get into a BG. I’ll just play a different game.

Well… No pug wants to fight against a premade though. That’s my perspective. People don’t like having to wait 9-10 minute epic BG queue only for them to be guaranteed a loss because they queued into a premade with 20 of their members in it. They either lose fast or get camped if the premade group wants to farm honor.

Also like I said, solo / party queues would be given the option to serve as backfill if they opt into it. The option is there as incentive too because it can potentially make queue times faster since they can be put into either or, solo/party queue or raid queues. Don’t forget too that this would be with cross faction enabled, so it’s pulling from both factions.


Premade raids are willing to spend that amount of time to get into the same bg.

I remember reading some premade raid spent an hour trying to get into the same bg.


Rated is for ratings and conquest pts.
Blizzard has always said they want people to be able to run instances with other players they choose. BGs aint no different.
Premades aint goin anywhere at all. You gotta find another solution than banning premades. ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

the average player is not going to wait 20-30 minutes to get into a BG. They will stop playing. Separate queues affect solo player the most.

The solo / party queues would not need to wait 20-30 minutes. They would not be the ones affected by a change like this. They would still have the fastest queue times.

The only ones needing to wait the 20-30 min queue would be those queueing in raid groups if a change like this were implemented. (Potentially)

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Why would pugs have long queues?

In this scenario, premade raids are the ones likely to have longer queues.

Pugs don’t need premades to fill their teams.

Premades need pugs to fill their teams.


Are you suggesting the 20% should dictate what the 80% can do? How sweet.

How would the solo player not have a long queue time if they’re choosing to wait for 79 other solo players? where premades are just matched with other premades, their queue would fill up much faster. If you add a solo queue option, you’re going to have to wait, literally look at solo shuffle.

Are you seriously trying to say that premade bg’ers are the majority?


for epics? yes

20 people focus firing someone is far more powerful than 5 people focusing someone.

Citation needed.


The problem is the lack of healers due to the imbalance and the erratic nature of SS dps.

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To be fair, 5 on one target wouldn’t take much longer than 20.

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you’re the one claiming I’m wrong. The burden of proof lies with you. But in all honesty I hope blizzard gives you guys what you want so you can see how terrible it is. I’ll bookmark to gloat later.

That’s not how it works. You make the claim that these premade communities are the majority of all those queing, YOU prove that claim.


In a full pug vs pug it does happen since they’re not in give-up mode. I almost never lead but I always do call outs (need help glaives, 5 inc hangar, need help IBT, back door inc, etc). If players respond I might lead and it makes a huge difference. I just don’t like doing it.

However players like Meso, Cinco, Alec, Ruthless, Torture, etc pretty much ALWAYS lead even if they’re in a single-group or solo. I’d wager none of them NEED a sync-queue or even a group to win an epic. I would not bet against any of them in any pug vs pug. Their communities exist to ride their waves. Just giving credit where it’s due. And they raise new leaders, their communities have value. It’s the sync-queue thing that is too much.

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you claim that solo queuers are the majority queuing, YOU prove that claim!

see how that works

Good luck finding other people who agree with them.

The vast majority of players in the queue are pugs.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone say there are more premades than pugs in the queue.

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