Premades need to be stopped

Is English not your first language?

This is the second time you’ve taken something as an absolute.

But you can’t even change the amount of control you have, you click a button. The system then takes over, there are no switches to twiddle.

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Synchronizing your queues is a degree of control.

Next you’ll tell me I can manually breathe.


STOP. Now I’m manually breathing.

The game is designed for one side to win, one side to lose. That’s typically how competition works. It is not designed for your premades to bypass grouping limitations to manipulate which side wins. I’m sure you know this, but admitting it is something most of you are simply incapable of doing.


By queuing at the same time? There must be hundreds of people queuing all the time.

The system decides where and when to put groups into games.

hey im not gonna bully you just yet, but can you rewrite your post to be legible, thanks?

Yeah, that’s what I like to believe… but waiting an hour for a Warsong Gulch makes me think otherwise.

Can you use proper grammar so I can try to decipher what you’re trying to communicate?

Dozens maybe.


No one is bypassing anything, some people have groups of 5, some people solo queue.

The system decides where to put them. Players communicate when they’re doing it, so you can join in to the roulette wheel too.

git gud, how’s that for a communication. would you like fries with that?

You’re being frustratingly disingenuous.

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And you know if Blizzard could end this as easily as they did twinking, they would. They’ve made it clear they do not condone large premades, but ending it is not as simple as adding experience to PvP to separate players. I wish it were.

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But they haven’t. In 8 years.

Can you imagine if a raiding guild used some LFR exploit to make mythic+ bosses use LFR encounter tables?

Then came to the forums to troll people and proclaim themselves the foremost mythic raiders in the game?

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No, I have Aphantasia. I’m sure I mentioned this earlier.

How is taking measures for one’s self the same as nerfing others?

hilariously enough, isn’t that exactly what vantus runes are, albeit by a versatility buff? (i dont pve im not smart)

Because they haven’t found a way to do it. Ending twinking was a simple fix. Queue syncing is not and probably not worth the resources it would take to change. Blizzard’s indifference in finding a way to end it does not mean you’re not manipulating the system or that Blizzard condones it.


They have though, I’m sure I read it in the other thread.

Cross faction queues.

It’s coming.

Though I suspect that may lead to win trading.

Like they do in RSS.