Premades need to be stopped

Less likely and not prevent?

Why wouldn’t they make the system prevent it?

Did they choose to go down that path?

Why haven’t they changed the system in 8 years?

It’ll pair “groups” against eachother, but the main barrier at that point is faction difference, time zone, the nature of epic bgs in general (big player size). It’s just not as simple as these loner priests might imagine.

You’d think it’d be easier to design a system that would accept larger groups beyond 5 to queue, but instead they’ve arbitrated it to that and these are the consequences. You can only queue up for the ride as a group of 5, but chances are you’re going onto the same ride anyway, with a window of opportunity up to 35/40 players.

You used to be able to fully raid into eBGs and random BGs. People complained that the herded cats couldn’t compete. so they changed it where you can only group up with 4 other people.

You also used to be able to take 10 people into Stratholme and Blackrock Depths, and have some real fun, but they took that away too.

I remember better times.

This is the most self aware wolf thing I’ve ever seen.

PVP is a predator’s game. Perhaps you’re in the wrong place?

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Oh, I know the pugs can’t compete, because they whinge and malinger, they argue with each other, they go their own ways, they afk, they don’t want to PvP, even though they queued for PvP.

Very much like it would be herding cats. Or chickens.

The types you mean queue to win get carried or pretend to carry, not to fight. They’re very willing to give up, under the pretense they can just “go again.” Consequently, I see this in solos too. Very lame duck attitude. At worst, they’ll try to play the most important role in the game to try and matter the most for special needs and reasons sakes, muh healer shortage etc , but it just reveals their themselves.

Just let them win. It’ll be faster that way.

No, If I have to stand alone, in their way, I will. I’ll heal Tremblade just to spite them.

You guys queue together in massive numbers, then have the nerve to tell others “If you don’t want to PvP, then don’t PvP” all while doing the Comp Stomp Equivalent of Epic Battlgrounds.


Everyone who presses the queue button has the opportunity to engage in a coordinated match between players, some people do it better than others.

Honestly, this determination scares me. Imagine if everyone else had fighting spirit in this fighting game.

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Some manipulate the existing queue restrictions in order to unfairly have an advantage. Honestly, you two are dumber than a bag of hammers.


There is no manipulation, you can’t manipulate the system, it decides where to put queued groups.

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They know what they are doing is not intended. If it were, it would be as simple as forming a group of 20, 30, 40 players and queuing. They know. They just will never admit it.


Better not manipulate the battleground with my damage, either, that’d be too far.

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It’s Tech Manipulation.

The ability which allows a greater degree of control over various technical devices .

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I shouldn’t try to heal in a eBG. I should just sit in the back and wait for it to be over, like all the other cats.

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But you can’t control the system, sometimes groups get put together, sometimes they don’t.

I particularly like getting back filled into losing eBGs and then turning it around for them, good consolation prize for the ones who tried to stick it out and remained after all the cats left.

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You should only try to win if no one loses, that way it’s fair.