Premades need to be stopped


What’s that book about firemen who burn things people don’t like? Or maybe crabs in a bucket is a butter metaphor? Karens at the store?

Ahh another classic “ur triggered” because we disagree an I cant force you to only see it my way “the true way”. Sounds fairly similar to certain arguments fresh out of college students use.

Next something along the lines of: dismissal of said people by calling them unintelligent or say trolling an bad. Coupled with buzzwords like cheaters or scared.

Bypassing a queue restriction to get more than the intended amount into an Epic Battleground. What you’re doing isn’t “authorized” lol.

Chatting isn’t authorized?

I’m starting to think kthis would have trouble visualizing an apple…

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You are purposely bypassing a queue restriction. How you do it is irrelevant. You keep telling me not to choose a bit, but you keep focusing on one bit yourself. Blizz implemented a 5 man queue restriction. You are intentionally bypassing that. You are doing something that is otherwise not allowed by blizzard.

I have Aphantasia, I can’t visualize an apple.

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It is chatting. In an authorized by Blizzard function. Provided by Blizzard. Within the game. It is very relevant.

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You aren’t chatting. You are bypassing a queue restriction.

^ That’s another negative consequence we don’t often talk about.

Multiple random bgs begin with one team missing sizeable chunks of players because a premade raid decided to not take their queue pops in their efforts to sync up.

Not at all. Only 5 people in a group can queue. No one is sneaking a 20 man raid through the queue button.

Telling people when you are queuing, and telling people when your queue popped isn’t bypassing anything. The system decides where and when to place queued groups.

Maybe it’s not about the apple, I was reaching, I apologize. Unbelievably fascinating the things I learn here…

Anyway, for sake of brevity, could you describe your recent experience in this thread(s)?

Nah, it’s good, I only recently discovered that other people actually can visualize anything, it was wild. I have full Aphantasia too, I can’t experience anything within my thoughts, I don’t have an inner monologue, there is no emotions or sensations in my thoughts, it’s very silent, and I live in the moment a lot.

As for my recent experience, I took umbrage to the accusation of cheating, based on chatting in an MMO.

They clearly think all premades are in discord, everyone is fully geared and has loads of in game experience, just to stomp people.

And that communicating with your team mates is cheating.

They don’t realize that most of them are just other people like them, but they’re tired of having to herd cats.

I don’t really spend lots of time on my Horde toons anymore, so I haven’t been in a premade other than by chance lately. But I understand the draw of using the tools available to make PvP on an epic scale more enjoyable.

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Go and say a racial slur in trade chat right now. It’s fine, because the chat function is totally allowed in game right? You keep leaning on this “Well we are using the chat” defense and it’s hollow. There is a queue restriction, right? Blizzard allows groups of 5 to queue, right? You are timing your queues with multiple groups of 5 players, which goes against a system that was put in place to curb larger than 5 man premades.

you’re a dolt lmao


Just pointing out how silly the “Chatting is allowed in WoW” defense is.

There is a system that prevents that from occurring twice.

The system in place here doesn’t care if multiple groups queue, it actively tries to place them in the same content. Sometimes it doesn’t and groups are back filled into losing content, they sometimes turn it around for the pugs remaining.

They’re circumventing a restriction and gaining an advantage over the other team.



Chatting is allowed in wow. Do you dispute this?

Racial slurs are expressly forbidden by Blizzard, I do not dispute this.

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This was put in place to ensure that premade players were less likely to go up against solo players lol. Everything you are listing you are abusing because you aren’t using it for it’s intended purpose.