Premades need to be stopped

I am going to go watch paint dry this is getting nowhere as usual. If you want to win step up and lead the team to victory simply put. I have seen so many groups win handily by having a leader that people will follow tell them what to do. I take Yoggy for instance he had pugs galore and beat premades and other teams handily. The issue with is pugs not wanting to listen or just go off doing whatever…let’s rush the boss. Leadership is the win not much else. Premades simply are a group of people willing to listen and follow basic etiquette guidelines like working to help each other and not to be a jerk to any member. The problem is with solo artists and attention seekers in a team oriented match imho.


Playing with people who want to win is definitely an unfair advantage over playing with people who want to afk.


people want to afk because of people like you that play unfairly and ruin the game for everyone else do better just stop with the boring lame excuses admit you simply can’t play fair and need a huge advantage to win anything lol grow a pair already lol

People have been hanging in caves well before premades were ever thought of so try again. Keep those wheels spinning you might eventually gain traction…weeeee. People leave for all sorts of reasons mainly the one i have seen is omg this is going to be a turtle and i wanted to blitz and be done with this match in 2minutes not 40+

sure, but that’s not the point lol nowadays when people see a bunch of losers such as yourself that exploit to win, they don’t see a point in playing so they just leave or afk because people like you are ruining the game for everyone else because you want to stroke your nonexistent ego lol honestly… do better.

Well there you lose again as I don’t have an ego I am a moderate player at best who enjoys to pvp…more throttle those wheels …maybe this time. i really can’t do arenas i’m horribad at them. I can however defend a node and work with a team :slight_smile:

I don’t know why anyone would click a queue button, wait for a queue, then refuse to PvP.

If you like rushing at the end boss so much, go play raids.

That’s absurd. Y’all are unreasonable af

Go play something else if you are afraid of premades……see how that works?


Wild this thread still going lol. Instead of pvping here on the forums why don’t you go join a community get some friends and get better at pvp in the game?


Well you don’t necessarily need other people to get better. I got better at epics all alone


First…the software being used is Blizzard’s Join As Group button. Thats it. It’s not some hack…it’s not some bug…its their game system. People are just clicking a button. That’s it.

Second, “influencing and/or facilitating gameplay” you mean like calling strats, playing objectives, leading a team??? So like, you know, the stuff you’re supposed to do in a BG.

Do you even BG, bro??

Also, I am positive, your legal team thinks you’re a dope for even asking them about this. You should buy them lunch for having to put up with your nonsense.


Communities are an authorized by Blizzard function. Chat is an authorized by Blizzard function. Within the game. Blizzard litterally authored the tools in use. You have to read the whole paragraph as one, not pick it apart and choose the bits you like.


Lets go down the list of reasons premades arent cheating an ruffle feathers along the way.

1: Blizzard doesn’t care

2: Blizzard doesnt care

3: learn to make friends an socialize better(this ones tough for forum complainers)

For space sake Im skipping to reason 1005

1005: Blizzard doesn’t care, if they did we would have more bgs/better balance.
1005a: love you all, but GL convincing people while insulting them.


I could change the last bit to:

If they did, they would have made further changes since the additional systems they put into effect during WoD.

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Premades do kinda dodge around the system by dropping ques and in doing so causing 100s of players at any given time they do it to be screwed out of a true bg because it starts 5,10,15,20 players short on any given team.

Oh, good, I’m sure they like those.

Hopefully it’ll cause a blue to come here and tell us which side they are on. Good luck with that though, they are few and far-between these days. Their time is important.

Also I love that people try an slap the hilarious “WIN” button responses to these threads like a tantrum throwing toddler.

“Its cheating” “UR JUST SCARED” or my personal favorite" Lol ur bad you losers have friends to group with for easy wins"

No we arent scared of anything however if as dps Im gona be forced with limited play time to sit in 15-30 minutes of que time for the bg or epic bg an its over an decided in 5 because the team wants to troll an throw Ashran splitting a zerg to boss .

Then because of said scenario it becomes tedious NOT scary or w.e excuses you wanna lay claim to.

Follow up you dont pay me sub and my time is just as valuable since this is true. So until Blizzard actively starts making changes OR punishes players for grouping with friends or guildies OR communities. Tough luck an it will continue.

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I bolded the part that pertains to the issue. Man, it’s like I kicked a hornet’s nest. Look at How quickly all of you become triggered.

The whole paragraph, not just the bits you like.

If the method used is an authorized by Blizzard function. Then the line at the start “methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard” is important.

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