Premades need to be stopped

well by the standards this player is talking any add-on is cheating as i might find my food faster than the enemy. So we need to not use any add-ons and it also is starting to sound like conquest gear is an unfair advantage too. Everyone strip down lets grab some gray wands and pvp woot. Hell if you are running a good computer versus the poor feller who is running on an old one that would be an unfair advantage too especially with all the lag. there is an awful lot that can be considered an unfair advantage really.

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It’s even worse. The system that is being used is communities. It isn’t an addon. Blizzard developed it and added it to the game.

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it’s entrapment do not use it …it’s bad…no no no

Yep. Not allowed to be social in an MMO, you are required to queue only with people you know personally.

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coordination of any sort in a team match is unfair…so knock it off

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boring excuses if you are going to lie at least come up with good lies.

Who is lying?

People are chatting via communities. Telling each other of their queue status.

This is what you object to. Plain and simple.

if blizzard wanted 40 man raid in epic bg’s they would allow it they don’t therefore you have to go out of your way to avoid the system that is already in place to get said 40 man raid therefore you are exploiting and by blizzards own words that is cheating

But they have developed systems. The systems don’t prevent multiple groups from queuing into the same eBG. So they clearly don’t really care as much as you do.


You can’t have a raid queue only 5 people in a group. furthermore the queues are random and getting 40 people is a match is a unicorn even if 90 people queued at once.

No actually we aren’t, we aren’t the ones creating thread after thread, people like you are. You can cry til the the cows come home and people will still play how they want to play. Let me repeat you don’t pay my monthly fee.

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Simply put there is no add-on that allows more than 5 to que into a match that’s just facts. It’s a common talking point but doesn’t hold water…sounds nice for your argument but isn’t based in any truth at all.

so you can queue as a 40 man raid?

no you cannot only a party of 5

then why is it ok if go around the system and exploit… (because that is what you are doing by definition) and by that definition you are cheating and that is against TOS

There is no 3rd party add-on ok that allows you to que more than 5

so you are still going around a system set in place to gain an unfair advantage.

you quoting an alt of yours ?

its been hrs and yall still going :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :skull: :skull: :skull:

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unfair advantages are allowed in unrated pvp.