Premades need to be stopped

It’s actually a summary of the whole thread.

No it isn’t. It’s terrible lol. And I posted your alliance toons 30 comp stomp games because your horde toons barely have any PvP on them. The only one that does is your Ally druid, which has 57 games of comp stomp played.

Again, this isn’t about winning. You want to stomp your opponents. You want to PvP on easy mode.


So? I play rated to get gear, not for rating. I play randoms for fun.

I prefer healers.

it’s just more excuses honestly lol if you don’t like how pugs work go play a different game blizzard made it 5 man for a reason… you can still completely dominate with a 5 man lol there is zero excuse to need 40-man groups in random bg’s

You’re worse at your healers.

Stop bullying new players because you’re not good at the game.

Play within the format given

Stop being a dork.

And? Rating isn’t everything. Maybe touch grass some time.

I’ll outheal you by tripple any day of the week buckaroo.

ironic that you go from calling people bad to saying I need to touch grass the moment someone superior calls you bad.

When did I call anyone bad?

I disagree.

Pugs do want to win.

Call people herds of cats who don’t listen, is calling them bad.

This is one thing I can agree with you on lol but that has nothing to do with anything right now

No, they are probably very good at being cats.

But, I like how it turned from, communicating is cheating to. you don’t play pvp, you shouldn’t have an opinion. Or, Ill look him up on check.pvp. shame him for his rating, yeah, that’ll work, his arguments aren’t arguable, just tell him he’s bad.

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I’m ejecting from conversation because you’re only going to get more and more obtuse

Too bad you don’t have that ability.

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To what?

convince you of anything?

I’m fully aware bricks have no capacity to be logical

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Eject anyone from a conversation.

I’ll leave it to other 30 people in this thread who don’t like you.

Tootles <3


I don’t need to be liked. I just like arguing with you now.

im bored of the excuses as well it’s just the same garbage over and over


They’re basically turning PvP into PvE.

Easy wins. Minimal competition.

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