Premades need to be stopped

I do play ranked.

But this is an Alliance toon, I don’t do it on this toon, as I’ve said all along. Only one of my Horde toons is in a community. I tend to play pugs. Which is why I know it’s like herding cats.

What’s with you and herding cats

It’s a great analogy of what it’s like to play a pug group.

They all want to go do their own thing.

They don’t intend on going for the same objectives.

They are distracted by a fight on the road.

They complain if they have to walk too far.

They argue with the majority, then complain when the whole team fails.

And then leave, which often guarantees that the group will fail. And makes sure the back fill feels it.

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I take the “I’ll do everything myself approach”

healthier for the game

That’s nice. But if there are 10 people fighting outside the gates on IoC, are you going to be able to cap hangar by yourself?

Or can you defend the glaives by yourself?

nah but I’ll do it with me and 2 of my friends in about 30 seconds

with a party of 5 yes

But in a pure pug group, good luck getting anyone to not just spend the entire game fighting the blood DK in front of the gates.

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You also just described the enemy team. You want them to suffer from this and not your own team. You don’t want to win, you want to stomp. You’re essentially turning Epic BGs into comp stomp.

I guess I am, and just play with a higher caliber of player.

Idk, majority of pugs have been listening when I make calls in the ebg instance chat.

No, all the players in the communities are just random players too. They just want to win. It is not outside the realm of possibility for pugs to do this. It happens sometimes.

I don’t mind losing games. But it bridles when it’s because 5 or 6 people on my own team decides to afk after losing the first fight. Then tries to get everyone else to let the enemy win, because they want to next it.

Like. I seriously think PvP gear should be free. Have everyone on an equal footing. the only difference would be wanting to win.

It really is a Horde - Alliance thing. Alliance are really bad at being cats, at least in the timezone where I am playing. Horde are much better organised.

Im talking about Alliance, lol. Been playing my demo lock.

Yeah. Which is why I said in my timezone.

You want to stomp. Just realized that after making that comment about you turning Epic BGs into Comp Stomp… that your most-played BG is comp stomp.

No idea why you think looking at my alliance toon informs you about my horde toon which does it.

Do premades have an advantage over PUGs?..absolutlely yes.

Does that guarantee a win every match?

Do you win more often than you lose?..yes.

…A lot more?..yeah.

Can you que an EBG as a raid of 40?

Can you que as a party of 5?..yes.

Is there anything wrong with coordinating with other groups of 5 and quing at the same time?

NO???, seriously?? That seems like an exploit, doesn’t it?..It’s not.

It’s not? How so?..Because having a group of people click a button at the same time isn’t an expoit.

Are you sure, it certainly feels like it?..Well, just becasue it seems like it is deoesn’t mean that it actually is.

That’s cute, the semantics, but can you explain yourself further?..Sure. Blizzard does a “relatively good” job shutting down game exploits like botting or multi-boxing, gold selling, etc. They have established rules againts those types of things and have stated that there will be consequences to those who break those rules. Even further they punish player who are caught using in game exploits like loot drop bugs or territoy exploits or account sharing…all sorts of bad stuff. We all sign a social contact promising not to be jerks towards one another and not to cheat in game

Yeah, yeah, I know all that, whats your point?..Well the point is thats Blizzard put in a quing system limiting the number of party members to 5 but they never created a rule stipulating that it is against the rules for players to coordinate with other players in 5 man groups to click a que button at the exact same time. They have said that they don’t really like it but they have never made a specific rule against it, nor after years and years and years of this going on not a single person has been punished for it.

Golly gee, why do you think that is?..Blizzard knows deep down, that clikcing a button at the same time as another person isn’t really an exploit. Because, honestly there are millions of players online at any given time many of whom are all literally clicking que buttons at the same time whether they know it or not. So instead of making a rule against it and calling it an exploit they put in the 5 man limit as a speed bump and shrugged their shoulders.

Well, I guess you make some good points, but I still don’t like it!..I undertsand, but instead of complaining about it, why not join a community and try it out. There are a lot of great people out there running these communities and you may make a few friends and learn a few things about strategy and coordination.

I dunno, talking to people is scary and running around BGs like a chicken with my head cut off hasn’t been working at all, so I guess I’ll just keep doing that…¯_(ツ)_/¯

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I’ve been watching you type this reply. It’s awesome.

That’s an incredibly wordy post man give a tldr LOL