Premades need to be stopped

The dysfunctional state of unrated BG matchmaking is 100% neglect by Blizzard. The system will put fully-geared veteran PVPers on the same team as someone with 200k hp playing their first ever BG. This is why I have some sympathy for queue-syncers/premaders. If Blizzard won’t use any kind of skill-based matchmaking, at least we can ensure a portion of own teammates are reliable by queue-syncing/premading.

The downside is that premaders, particularly epic BG queue-syncers, are generating an endless stream of one-sided and trivial BGs. Queue-syncers will say that this is actually a “fair” situation because PUGs can simply form their own premade to compete, but obviously this is missing the point (or trolling). Individual premade vs PUG matches are 99+% of the time completely unfair and one-sided.


I know there used to be.

And why.

And I also know that the systems they have in place at the moment have no idea that people are queuing at the same time. Maybe they will change it. Maybe not. Who knows.

I win all the time with pugs, I don’t need the crutch


Then what is your issue?

This is not neglect. It is intentional.
Random BGs are a free-for-all.
If you don’t like it then do rated.

You ruining the game for everyone else.


But you win all the time. And it’s one toon. I don’t play them all the time, they aren’t even fully geared.

Almost all my toons are Alliance, none of them are in the premade communities. Happy to play eBGs on them, it’s just, like herding cats. Have you ever attempted to herd cats, its fun, sometimes.

How warped is your perspective that you can’t see you’re killing the game for the casual player who wants a fair game


No, it’s Blizzard doing that. Honor gear should be free. Conquest gear shouldn’t have such a large ilvl gap. It shouldn’t take weeks of farming to get full conquest gear. It’s not PvE. Things should be fairer. But they aren’t.

I get far more annoyed at the people in random battlegrounds who have one trinket, but have bought gear and weapon. Or people who turn up to BGs in lvl 40 levelling gear with 200k health, after they bought a boost. And didn’t bother to buy the basic green gear from the AH.

Why are you deflecting.

You’re qing a mode designed to have parties of 5, with 40.

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No, there is 20-60 people queuing at the same time. The system which Blizzard has designed often puts them into the same eBG.

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Crazy that he cant just admit to sync queueing.

I’d be inclined to agree with you if RBG’s didn’t exist.

Crazy that there is nothing to admit to.

I’d even go as far as, there shouldn’t even be honor gear. Conquest gear should be free. Just jump into the game and go.

But the PvE players infect everything. They would complain that the PvP players get their gear for free, they should get their gear for free too. I’m inclined to agree. But then that would trivialize the raids. I know, even with my PvP gear on, heroic dungeons are a speed run.

This isn’t about gear you dork

But it is. The only other complaint would be that the cats which wont be herded, wont be herded.

So you sync q with 40 people because you dont like having an undergeared priest on your team?


No, undergeared players in eBGs are expected. But pug eBGs is like herding cats. They don’t want to win, they want to get out as fast as possible. They don’t want to PvP. They want to boss rush, or backdoor.

I don’t enjoy them in random BGs. They expect to be carried there.

But they apparently farm the honor in eBGs. Even though they could have farmed it in the 60-69 bracket.

All my toons farmed honor while leveling. It’s a slog, because of party sync players, but it gets done, because I don’t want to burden teams at 70. All of them are full blue gear 5 minutes after they hit 70.

then go play ranked lol