Premades need to be stopped

so you are getting more then the allowed 5 in therefore giving you an unfair advantage therefor cheating…

Only 5 can be in a group. So? what if no one is in a group, everyone in the community is solo queuing, what then? They queue at the same time. They all want to win a game. Not like the pugs that just want things over with as fast as possible.

Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

It isn’t unfair. Though I admit it is an advantage having like minded people on the same team. You could choose to be like minded with your team. Who knows, you might win more.

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No one is using third party software. There is no authomation.

Again for you:

  1. cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;

Your paraphrase isn’t a good representation of the EULA. Communities are a function provided by Blizzard. That is the only tool that is used. Being provided by Blizzard.

The EULA doesn’t say this, at all.

Otherwise, I could turn off chat, and then claim anyone who uses chat is cheating.

Or take of all my gear, then complain that anyone who uses gear is cheating.

your excuses are boring and pathetic XD at least be man enough to admit it and be honestly at least lol you are cheating period

Yeah. You are syncing your queues in an effort to circumnavigate current queuing restrictions. What are you so afraid of?

No, we are clicking a button at around the same time. The system decides which queues to put us in. We have no control over which group goes where.

Sometimes groups go into completely different eBGs. Sometimes there’s more than enough to fill 3 or 4 teams.

Sometimes a couple of groups will fill out the rest of a pug group. We have no control over how the system decides this.

Yeah, you are syncing your queues in an effort to circumnavigate current queueing restrictions. I’m not sure what the problem with admitting it is. You won’t get banned.

There is nothing to admit. You are claiming it is cheating. Communicating isn’t cheating.

I never said cheating. I said you are syncing your queues in an effort to circumnavigate current queueing restrictions.

So, what does this mean, exactly? If an entire community of solo players queue at around the same time, they are exploiting a system? Fine, make eBGs cross faction, won’t stop people from clicking buttons at the same time.

Imagine if the entire PvP community didn’t need communities, and they all wanted to win their games. That would be heaven.

Nah, not exploiting. You aren’t abusing a bug. Manipulating? Sure.

All I’m saying is, stop pretending like you’re high and mighty. You want the easy wins. It’s ok man. It’s why you do it. You just do you, and stop trying to justify it.

it will just be never-ending excuses from him lol

I only took umbrage to the claim that it is cheating.

I admit that it is an advantage to have everyone who has clicked the queue button to want to win a game.

It’s only unfair because pugs seem to queue to not win, they just want to duel, without the duel.

If pugs could play like they wanted to win, it wouldn’t be as much of the issue it seems to be.

All my Alliance are healers. None of them are in the communities. When I’m doing eBGs on them, it’s like herding cats.

Sometimes I get on the one Horde toon that is part of one. It’s amazing, people agree with a strategy. That’s the reason they win. They aren’t using special software. There is no automation. Most of it is communicated via /rw or /i.

Sync qing is certainly bending the rules.

If they wanted you to be able to q up with a raid, they’d allow 40 to Q at the same time.

But there isn’t a raid queuing. The system decides where each group, or solo player goes. If everyone gets into the same eBG, the system decided that it was the only place they could go.

You’re going to lose a lot of bgs when cross faction randoms are allowed.

And do you know why there isn’t a raid queuing? There used to be.

Yes. Because pugs is like herding cats.