Premades need to be stopped

he’s saying he can see why the average person would join one lol

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It happens it is a thing, period. Have gone against full rated battleground teams that are 2.2k from Sargeras in random battlegrounds, I deal with it. I don’t cry on forums and create over 9,000 threads complaining about it.

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Carrasco can take it like a champ.

I’ve been one of the 2200 rbg teams giving him a pounding

I’ve also received a pounding from him once or twice when he plays with Frank lol

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It is always fun when me, Franq, and Cellash and GTR would go against you, Bob, and Joker.

Brianna#7770 on discord patronus if u wanna join joker/i’s discord =)

it’s 90% crapposting but it has some bg stuff occasionally lol

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Nobody is “complaining” people are just tired of the excuses for plain cheating to win most “friend” groups are not doing it “because pugs suck” they are doing it because it’s a free easy win lol I don’t care if you want to get people together and go to rated that’s why it’s there but stop with the large groups in random bg’s.

So, you are complaining.

Using communication isn’t cheating. Blizzard provides the means for said communication.

Only because most pug groups just don’t want to win anything, they just queue to argue and malinger. Or boss rush, without any PvP at all. Or complain that their side always loses, so everyone should just let the enemy win. Which is why pugs suck.


the one’s truly complaining are the ones that cry every time anyways speaks out lol and I never said “using communication” is cheating but when you circumvent the preset system to get an unfair advantage that is cheating :slight_smile:

Letting people know that you are queuing, is not circumventing anything. You can do it without any groups whatsoever. Letting people know that your queue popped, is communication. There’s no addons that do it for you, you need to chat with people to make it work. Sometimes it doesn’t and only a few of the people in the community get into the same eBG. But they aren’t cheating. They are communicating.

So you are saying that communicating is cheating.

The one’s I’ve been in aren’t even stacking the deck against you, most don’t know how many heals or tanks are queuing, the word is just put out that people are queuing. It doesn’t even matter what gear they are wearing.

The trick to it is, most who join want to play to win. Not just road fight. Or use strategy that worked 10 years ago.

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these are the boring and lame excuses I am talking about lol you are going around a preset system to allow you to have more then you are supposed to in bg that is getting an unfair advantage therefore you are cheating lol

There you go again. Communication isn’t cheating. The only advantage you get is that the people who queued want to PvP. Rather than the pugs who want to afk.

Just because you don’t read the chat or follow the group, doesn’t mean the people who do are cheating.

smh then stay in a 5 man and do that if communication is all you need you should win with an allowed group size if you want to do 10 then go do ranked and again sense you seem to not be able to read, I didn’t say communication is cheating I said exploiting the system to get a larger group then allowed is cheating lol

I do ranked, it’s how I have almost full conquest gear on my toons.

But you are saying that.

There is no exploit used.

People are in a community, a function which is provided for by Blizzard.

They communicate to others that they are queuing. And communicate that their queue popped.

That’s it. No software or addons required.

Usually they aren’t even in discord.

Most of the time, strategy is directed through /RW or /i.

People in the group listen and agree, not argue and malinger.

That’s the key. They communicate.

Man idk about you guys. But after a long day of hard work I can’t wait to just come home, crack open a beer, and lose.

Are you a gold medalist in mental gymnastics?

Group up with 20 guys in a raid group and click the queue button. Did it work? No? Know why? Because blizz didn’t want you to do it. You keep saying “Oh we are communicating. Oh, it’s not bad because we communicate!”

You are syncing your queues in an effort to circumnavigate current queuing restrictions.

Here’s the thing pal. You aren’t going to get banned for it. You won’t even get a slap on the wrist. You know it, I know it, blizz knows it. Epic BG’s Communities are thriving because of Blizzard’s indifference.

But get off your freaking pedestal and stop being so pretentious about it.


are you getting more then 1 group of 5 in?

Don’t even need groups, lots of people solo queue from the same community.

They are communicating their queue status.

I notice you are avoiding answering my question.

We are clicking the queue button at around the same time.

The system doesn’t synchronize them.

There is no software doing it. People have to click the buttons.

The problem with pugs is that they refuse to follow a singular strategy. Or they leave if the battle might include PvP. Or they afk because they lost the first fight.

stop making excuses lol

Sometimes, yes, 30 or 40 people from the same community get a queue pop into the same eBG, sometimes only 10, sometimes a group is backfill, you don’t know until you accept the queue, even if they pop at the same time.

But they aren’t exploiting to make it happen.