Premades need to be stopped

Dear Munrozzi,

At the end of the day this is a video game and if you get your panties in a bunch over trivial things like a video game then maybe just maybe you need to go outside and touch grass.

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Likely story…

There’s no other logical explanation.

Mhmmm… mhmmm…


Writing this down

Remember going against Joker and Bob, when I would queue up with Franq, Cellash, and GTR. Good times!

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a real “hoot and a hollar” as they say

(stay tuned making a meme)

Franqenstein V Joker

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What Addon does this?

13 years later here we sit…any word yet?

Kitanana has cutest puppers on the forums until proven otherwise

I will also be taking the title of cutest cats on the forums.

I mean this wholeheartedly this isn’t some ruse to get pictures of peoples kittens



Careful now. You dont do pvp remember ? hahaha


Back then it was oqueue. It was the first addon which facilitated cross-realm grouping. It was used heavily for many reasons, one of them being PvP.
There are newer ones today. Most groups nowadays just use discord.

Probably nothing.

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thats all they do they say they dont gy farm but ive seen it every time its their group .


Just like “we aren’t manipulating queues we are just playing with our friends”

They like to say “we aren’t gy farming, we are just confining the enemy to the GY, it’s strategic”

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there is a diffrence between actually playing with some friends vs having 39 others q sync . Like they say sas doesnt idk for sure if half the ppl r in sas or not but i usually see inemia there n my team the losing team is getting gy farmed so like they can say they dont but horde does . ive been vs them alot .

but they dont 15% pvp cheevs isnt really pvping tbh

I think you need to re-evaluate your life if your digging this deep into video game forums.


Thats the thing though it is frowned on at SaS an they do if it’s a pug try to get it over with. There has been new players come in and say lets HK farm them at so and so node or gy and they get shut down immediately as it’s not something SaS wants to happen. I can only tell you what I have seen and heard …and it really is not tolerated very well with them.

i think people take their worst experience against a premade and assume all groups are like that.

lmao that’s actually funny

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15% isnt pvping a whole lot enough said .


This is my Akita when he was around 7 months pulling my daughter at the park.