Premades need to be stopped

I require pics of said puppy

pls and ty

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i was talking about Doors, but you gotta post puppy pics now

its posted in the bg lounge thingy thread :smiley:

going to post more there shortly too :smiley:

ok i posted them in bg lounge thingy !

found it, he is adorable:


thank you :slight_smile: he is alot of work hes got so much energy but hes worth it

Well man, it’s been over 3 years I’ve been coming to the forums on a regular basis and I just can’t look back and think of a single time I ever saw you not being egotistical and dismissive towards people. That sort of behavior would be bad enough if you were really good at the game, but you don’t even have that going for you–so it’s just twice as annoying.

So yeah, not a lot to like about you.


i can think of several times already this morning. i think you are projecting and your insecurity can’t stand stalwart confidence.

Then you make statements like this. lol You’ve got to be the lamest person alive.


im too old to worry about looking cool to people i don’t care about, when will you reach that age?

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You care so much, man. Always on here defending your cheating because you’ve got to process it in your mind in a way where you get to log off and think you’re good at the game somehow. lol I hit Duelist my first season trying rated PVP, it drove you bananas–you ran your mouth so much towards me that season.

You’re never going to convince anyone that you ‘don’t care.’ lol


its not cheating, and yes, im going to defend SAS because its full of a good people just playing together and having fun. people having fun together seems to bother you for some reason, im not sure why, i don’t think i have seen you in epics. its not like i t-bagged you or something.

oh is that it? a bit of trash talking got that deep under your skin you are still tilted about it years later. well, sorry.

The majority of people on this forum tend to disagree with that. I’ve seen ‘stop premade’ threads with hundreds of likes.

Are you saying you wouldn’t be having fun if you weren’t giving yourself an unfair advantage? That’s not what sportsmen do. If you can’t rise to the occasion and best another person in equal combat, you’ve never really won anyway. 95% WL is meaningless when everyone knows how you got it.

For the same reason I was outspoken on rating gating gear being bad for the game in SL. It doesn’t have to affect me personally for me to see an issue and support people’s opinions on the subject.

If painting this like I’ve got some deep agenda instead of just think it’s funny to swing by and throw a curveball at you once in a while helps you out, I’m cool with it.


its always the same few people in the same threads, don’t go claiming a majority when there isn’t one. its not like im sitting here liking my own comments or responding to my own threads with my alts like some people, nor am i running to my community asking them to brigade. the majority is off playing the game having fun, not sitting here qqing about who they want to blame for their loss.

everyone seeks an advantage in pvp combat, its why you stack versa or take this talent or that talent or get saltwaters and bis gearing. so lets get that out of the way. as to if syncing is unfair, it is not, nothing stops everyone else from participating. there are no special circumstances or bugs that need to be exploited, its simple knowledge that can be passed from one pvper to another in a single conversation.

ah yes, they give the deer AR-15s too out of fairness.

Following the designated pathing for something, and finding ways to circumvent established limitations are not the same thing. Blizzard overlooking something doesn’t make it honorable.

Most places don’t allow 5.56 for deer hunting; it’s too prone to injuring and not killing–which results in the animal limping off and suffering (and in a lot of cases dying for no reason because they hide in thick brush and aren’t found until you can smell their corpse from 500 yards off). Also, I think trophy hunting is cowardly as well (and yes I’m aware of the conservation benefits to selling elk, moose, etc. tags)–while we’re on the subject. Nothing quite as lame as some dude with a ‘bear hunter’ sticker on his truck, when you know he uses dogs to tree a bear then hammers them with a .45-70 from total safety. Hunting as a means to afford to eat, I can’t fault anyone for that, though–but you don’t need to premade to play EBGs, you choose to because of the advantage it gives you.

I find it incredibly hard to believe that a handful of people get on hundreds of alts to like a thread, as opposed to casual PVPers just annoyed that they’ve lost 15 games in a row because they didn’t bring 39 friends with comms to a game mode that isn’t designed to be played that way.


if all your looking for is a good fun game why not just wargames each other

last night I was qing with cellash/frank/joker/uncleflex in randoms

Games got so easy we just split off into smaller groups to have more fun

Doesn’t it get boring just steamrolling the same 40 pugs?


When I’m running the flag to rescue the other team from the group I’m in, it’s time to pug.

A lot of pugs leave the bg, so they get to enjoy steamrolling the replacement pugs, and their replacements, and their replacements…

It’s not the same 40 pugs!

honor is nothing but a fool’s ploy to manipulate young men into doing things against their own best interest.

i mostly premade because i like having people on my team that care to win. i don’t mind losing, i do mind playing with losers. people that just want to throw or don’t want to play or listen are what make the game sour and drive people away. at least with the premade, everyone there wants to be there and all want the same thing, to win.

we caught Ruthless doing it last week

how do u know if u dont play


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I hear things from the people who provide screenshots to post.