Premades need to be stopped

don’t have to dodge points that hit with all the impact of a whiffle ball.

Oh Jesus, who screwed up their demonic summon and brought Herc back?

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I just extracted him from my butt in WG… yells “Wash this!” :stuck_out_tongue:

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Was the DK yelling in raid chat that a rogue was bothering him? I was having fun trolling him and then you ran up throwing flares and traps trying to get me out.

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She yelled in disc, yeah.

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You have an 81% winrate of 2015 alterac valley games

A 77% win rate of 1792 games of IoC

An 86% win rate on 1325 wintergrasp games

A 95% win rate on 775 ashran games

Saying premades have no unfair advantage is extremely disingenuous.


is a saltwater potion an unfair advantage?

There is a reason they don’t . Hence why you r an exploiter .

You know it and I know it that this is a whole different Convo . No it’s not .

The unfair advantage is that you admit to q syncing to exploit an unfair advantage vs pugs . It’s one thing already to be a premade fine . But to do the same as another well known premade is scummy .

Sure I still might try to bop you to say hi and all that but that still doesn’t mean you are not exploiting the system.

Basically this lol

No because its an item specifically designed to be used in bgs.

a saltwater its not unfair because everyone has equal access. fair does not mean the apparent and made up rules you have when you queue for pvp, fairness is about if everyone has the same opportunity.

everyone has the same opportunity to make friends and sync multiple groups into a game so you can all play together, that is fair.

i don’t believe that to be the case, i think its more of an oversight, they don’t have enough staff doing pvp things to even care about the pvp community wanting to have larger groups than 5.

Dear lord…

How can anyone think that this is fair?

You’re not getting a 95% win rate in a 40-person bg because of a saltwater potion.

“If everyone can cheat, then nobody is cheating! It’s fair because everyone has the same opportunity to cheat.”


I think we’re at a point where we can just say Inemia having a positive WL in something probably means there’s something fishy taking place.

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This has reminded me that i need to finish killing pandas for that ashran achievement. I should continue that grind.

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Queuing with a premade is like playing with a 2k rbg team against a 1400 yolo rbg group. The 2k team will win 9/10 (if not more). Thats what makes it unfair.

The only way to make premades in bgs fair is to only pair premades with other premades. The equivalent of matching teams with higher mmr

But you guys would hate that system since queue times would be insane.

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To be faaaair they also leave matches that aren’t a stomp.

this has less to do with the fact that its a premade so much as the quality of the players on each side. premades currently have higher quality players because most everyone who plays epics joins communities. even when they aren’t in the same community, players who have played together in hundreds of games over years will still play with coordination.

play epics enough and you learn to recognize names, who is ally and who is not, who is good to have on your team, who its bad to have on their team, etc. those names all know each other already.

SAS? who famously spent 3 hours in queue to speedrun WG in under 3 minutes? we already will try to queue into other premades.

the main issue with premade vs premade is that you don’t always have a full group of 40 nor do you need a full group of 40, its pretty common to have a game with a partial premade on both sides. this is why i think taking LFR’s style of queueing might work better, you can queue with a partial raid and let the system fill the raid out for you. perhaps if they even limit it to 25 or 30 so you always have some partial fill you can socialize and grow your community instead of being insular.

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can you stop deflecting from the real issue here that you exploit Q sync .

well you dont have to believe because they said they dont end of discussion .

LOL rip pandas