Premades in WSG

What is actually less effort? Pressing join with the full understanding that the matchmaker can be very cruel when it comes to balancing teams of randoms? Knowing that you might have a disadvantage and the battle might be hardpressed? Or stacking the deck and ensuring that you will have a comp advantage against the majority of teams for illgotten wins?

All they have to do is add solo queue and leave the rest alone. Very simple implementation. It’s doing wonders in retail and hugely popular.


It’s not classic +, it’s a seasonal server.

You were baited

Classic+ = classic wow with additional content. Season of discovery = classic wow with additional content

This would not work as simply as you have stated.

Says who?


You know this server ends right?

Blizzard actually, they mentioned it at BlizzCon and in a few interviews that this is classic plus XYZ, playing off the meme.

premades aren’t queuing for fun, they are queuing for rep. They dont want to play vs other premades, they want to club seals.


You are taking a meme for reality?

Lol. Lmao even

Classic+ is still a meme at it’s core. No need to be obtuse about that.

I know it’s a meme.

I like sod, but it’s actually hilarious that people see sod as some unbelievable, remarkable and gaming industry shattering new MMO lmao.

It is quite literally just classic wow with some wrath abilities and they are making 10 mans out of the dungeons nobody likes to do. And people are claiming this is the incredible classic + it makes me rofl every time

New no, new idea off an old game, yes.

No other company has opened servers on a live game (not beta or testing) where they’ve truncated the level cap and redone content for that low level cap.

This is a new idea. Is it a shattering idea? Not really, but it’s amazing because there have been thought experiments on what WoW’s original level cap was on paper. Because level 40 feels very cappish from abilities and content available.

I’m personally really looking forward to the level 40 section. I think it’s going to be the most interesting.

You wouldnt be complaining if you were in a premade and just demolishing pugs.

i’m sorry that is incorrect. the worst pvp experience in the game was one AV i had the misfortune to queue into in classic. i don’t know how they had managed it before i arrived, but the alliance faction had taken all of the graveyards so the horde could only res in their starting cave, and the allies where there spamming aoe. just completely farming a 40 man raid. It turns out if you make no effort to complete the objectives the game goes on forever. Of course you want to get your mark and don’t want the deserter debuff, so the obvious solution is “stop ressing” but convincing 40 people to stop ressing especially as others AFK out and are replaced by new players who don’t know how royally screwed they are… that was the worst pvp experience taking a quick loss to a premade and collecting a mark every 4 or 5 games is a delight compared to that one AV 4 years ago

Yeah i quit for this reason. Ain’t worth slogging through 10 premades in hopes i get one good game.

So brainless from blizzard, shocking

Smooth brain response

Yeah, prep ~4 minute 5 caps all day long. How can anyone support this system, it’s so clearly terrible.

You quit but you’re still here on the forums talking about sod

some people just want to pug vs pug and not have to get a 10 stack to play. ever consider that?

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How so? They don’t need to worry about a mmr system. All they have to do when building groups in the bg is add a check if it’s a group queued or a single person. Then stagger them just like retail does to try and avoid those trying to sync queue. Seems pretty straight forward.

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