Premades in WSG

So you’re either a liar or a troll, got it.


there are actually 2 “charms”…

  1. pug v pug can be an amazing fun game, but so can
  2. premade v premade… especially at the highest level

Blizzard just needs to implement that separation, and we all can enjoy WSG in either charming way.

you already have both options available.

ah, but you are wrong, these are not ‘options’… both are ‘possibilities’, but totally random. you never know what your opponent will be.

The community is just asking for that… with one small adjustment… draw a line between the two, so solo means solo only and party means party only.

Letting a new player solo queue into a premade is honestly a war crime

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They are options. No one is talking about your opponent, the discussion was about YOUR options that YOU have available.

You can queue in a premade.
You can queue solo.

Those are options and they are not random.

That’s one queue genius, we are asking for a second. Why you keep announcing how simple you are is beyond me.

How soon?

They were sayin the same thing back in 2019

good luck with that lol

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Blizzard is too lazy to do anything about it. Most competitive multiplayer games have some sort of matchmaking system in place to limit these kind of things, but WoW died a decade ago and it only exists to fill pockets.

change the way Premades Queue or change how many can form a premade to 5

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Joining a premade shouldn’t be a prerequisite to playing a battleground. I doubt anything will be implemented, but there should be changes put in the game to either disincentifize premades or split premades into their own queue.

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Having premades vs solo queue is like having RTWF with mythic raiders vs LFR raiders… except that the LFR team doesn’t get any healers.


What do you think will happen when the solo queue is the easiest and most efficient way to get honor and rep?

The same people rolling you over will all just queue at the same time and only take the queue if they all get the pop at the same time.

You will have actual made it even easier for them to farm you.

Pugs are still gonna get absolutely roflstomped by 5 mans. No, it won’t be “closer”.

It’s a mentality issue first and foremost as well as not knowing wtf one’s role is in wsg

Ya so 2019 wasn’t classic+. This is classic+ now

Anyone pretending that either side of a premade is a troll or lying. It’s a way to turn PvP into easier than PvE content.

I’ve been on both sides plenty of times and it is incredibly boring.

The only people that want to keep it don’t want EZ mode turned off.


Literally a mandatory change. Time to experiment, Blizz. Try this out and I guarantee pvp participation would dramatically increase


This is precisely correct

Make it bannable to exploit que. If you exploit to get in the same match with 10 people. It’s easy to see 10 stack all
From the same sever. Just report exploiters so they get banned. Odds of a full 10 stack going into the same bg as the same time multiple times is easy to see. Ban them