Premades in WSG

As I type this I’m facing a premade from Crusader Strike, Like this was kool in classic i get it keep it as it was, but in SoD I was really hoping this would change. give premades their own q were they face other premades and pugs face pugs. like or is this some sick thing that goes on in the classic community were they like to be in a premade to destroy a pug.


Playing into premade WSG is the worst PvP experience in the game and it has been for 20 years, but they never learn.


make. your. own. premade.

How is this obvious sollution lost on so many people…


It’s the number 1 thing SoD needs. Something where premades only face each other.


Premades are ruining the game, and making people quit. Its a terrible experience.


Obviously many people don’t want to do that. It’s an easy fix that would benefit everyone’s experience.


Well then they don’t deserve the same ease of gameplay as those who take the time to coordinate a decent team and communicate on discord if you ask me.

like i said is this some sick thing in the classic community where people enjoy the feeling of destroying pugs with a premade then justify their response oh just go and make your own and do the same thing as us. yea ill pass


I’m not looking for ease of gameplay, you seem confused. I’m looking for competitive gameplay. See the difference? An easy solution that would solve everything, more or less. What’s your issue? Can’t handle equal opponents? You should “get gud” as it were :slight_smile:


They have their own queue. The thing is, you’re just not restricted to only join competitive, rewarding BGs as a team. You are allowed to queue by yourself as well.

It’s hard to say why people queue solo, complain (regardless of how many different servers are represented on the other team) that it’s a premade, and it’s impossible to win, and call for their teams to just give up now.

If anyone actually thinks that it’s impossible for a PuG to beat a premade, go make a premade, and see how well you do.

Unsure how to start your own premade group? Well, here’s a little guide that I hope is helpful:

Good luck out there!


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I love the people who come on here and say “join a premade”, as their response. Obviously ignorant, or they are the ones premade honor farming and don’t want their premade to have to face another premade. Anyone making this argument either can’t wrap their mind around what is a simple fix, or they are abusing it themselves.


They just don’t want to lose their welfare gearing. They can only do easy mode, which is to class stack the OP classes and steamroll random teams. It just needs to be fixed. They’ll make up all the excuses in the world to preserve their easy mode tho.


If you are facin glots of premades and not enjoying it/losing…why wouldn’t you make your own and solve the problem? What’s hard to understand about that…

If it’s so easy why aren’t you doing it instead of complaining? stack your own team.

I’m already exalted, and I don’t prefer exploiting with stacked classes to get welfare gear by beating random teams. It’s uninteresting. Pugs vs pug is the most fun thing that happens in the game.


like i just got the epic bow from the new bfd thing. I wanted to try it out in wsg but apparently its all sweaty premades that graveyard camp you until they decide to finish to the game. its funny that not everyone finds this a problem.


If you they don’t find it a problem, it’s because they only want easy honor… likely suck at pvp anyway and are doing it just for the gear.

Sadly, some of the most fun is had when it is pug vs. pug. What a concept… doing it for fun.


Not only can you have fun, but get honor/rep at the same time! Crazy!


Premades should get their own queue and they should increase the honor / rep gained while in a premade group

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entitled people never realize they are being entitled.