Premades in WSG

I don’t think you know what that word means. Is it entitled to want equal competition or no competition at all? Now answer honestly, maybe you’ll learn something new!

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If you want equal competition form your own premade. If you refuse to do that then your disadvantage is self inflicted…and demanding blizzard fix that for you is the entitled part.

Also, why are you against a solo queue, friend? You haven’t given an actual reason at all. What is the downside to a solo queue?


It’s bad design that can be fixed. Again why are you against it?

i’m all for the solo queue…nothing wrong with it at all, but people are doing solo queue and facing premades then complaining…so the sollution is quite obvious.

it’s only a bad design if there isn’t an option for the player to solve their own problem. There is, and it’s super easy. So nothing needs to be fixed.

Oh semantics, nice try. So, you don’t have a reason at all. You are just being difficult. Get back to me when you have a reason, dum dum.

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i gave you plenty, just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean they are not valid. Don’t like being sotmped by permades…make your own. Super simple.

Dude, you gave none. Do you understand words? What’s wrong with you?


what I don’t understand is the ratio of alliance premades to pugs considering that there is no more ranks to grind, or any real reason to min max honor/hour.

is this all just for wsg rep?

you like to solo queue?
that option is available right now.
You like to do premades?
That option is available right now.

Nothing needs to be fixed except some entitled attitudes.

My first ever wsg game was against a premade from crusader strike, we lost obviously but I’m not even mad. I knew this was coming.

Premades are gonna be gone soon. You’re not going to be able to cheat anymore in bgs. Get over it

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source: “trust me bro”.

RBG’s should be the premade vs premade, everything else, a max group of 5.

let them queue as 5 at most, and only 1 5 man per team.

My guild routinely runs pre-mades which I actively avoid in favor of solo-queuing. The charm of Warsong Gulch, of battlegrounds in general, is having two disorganized teams fighting to see who can become more organized first. The unknown variables are what makes it so addictive.

When you’re primarily being matched against pre-mades, it becomes frustrating because they do all they can to reduce the dynamic nature of a battleground into the static nature of a raid. This will become even more apparent when Arathi Basin is released.


People have been complaining about premade Bg for quite some time in WoW…and yet they never just make their own…it’s almost hilarious, albeit a kind of sad version of hilarious.

If it’s all skill why aren’t you stomping other premades instead of complaining? Stupid whiney pug stompers.

i don’t join premades.