WSG Premade Guide

Premade Guide: Warsong Gulch

This guide is intended to provide some general tools necessary to successfully run Warsong Gulch Premades in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery. It may be applicable to other version of WoW also, but its aim and focus is on SoD. It is not intended to be exhaustive, nor have advanced strategies, but rather to give a general starting point for anyone who is interested in running their own premade groups.

Disclaimer: If you’d like to say, “Hey Snipy! You’re a noob! You suck at the game and have no idea what you’re talking about!” Then I agree. You’re right. If you’d like to contribute constructive feedback, I’d be happy to incorporate it into this guide, so please do. Otherwise, I agree with you that I suck and have no idea what I’m doing.


Warsong Gulch is a capture the flag game, where the primary objective, or at least the one that ends the game, is to be the first team to take the enemy team’s flag, and return it to your own flag spot 3 times (capture the flag). You cannot “cap” (capture) the flag if the enemy team currently has your team’s flag in hand.

Team Composition

Flag Carrier (FC): someone who carries the flag. Druids are a common FC, because they have a toolkit that allows them to sneak into the enemy’s flag room, move quickly with the flag, be tanky in defensive mode, have self heals, mobility, and can shift some CC (crowd control).

Other classes can be used, and may even be the meta at some point (maybe even now), depending on how things turn out at different level caps, and with runes.

Healer: Pretty self explanatory, but a healer is a class that is specc’ed (specialized) into healing, and heals. Priests are fairly dominant at the current level bracket (25), but Paladins, Shamans, Druid, and Mages are all healing classes.

Target Caller (TC): A target caller is a player whose target other players target to focus fire on the enemy team. This is a role often performed by a warrior, particularly once warriors are able to apply the Mortal Strike healing reduction debuff, which they do not have access to at the current level cap.

Warsong Gulch pits 2 teams of 10 against each other. Typically a premade team will have 1 FC, 2 Healers, and 7 DPS (potentially with one designated as a target caller. This is helpful, but not always the case).

General Strategy

Often times, teams will meet in the middle of the map and attempt to wipe each other. Generally, they are looking to identify and kill healers, the EFC (enemy flag carrier) to prevent them from making it to the flag room, and potentially the rest of the team.

You may have your FC help with the initial combat, or prefer to have them break away and attempt to get the enemy’s flag ASAP. Sometimes the FC will have trouble with the enemy flag being defended and needs help. So, you may have a designated FC Offense Group (the group that will go to get the enemy’s flag).

The idea here to to optimize for getting the flag and getting the FC away so CC classes and Healer classes are helpful. For example, you might have a mage and paladin support your FC offensively.

If both FC (your team’s Flag Carrier) and EFC (the enemy flag carrier) have the flags, you want to make sure your FC is protected with a defensive team, while everybody else prioritizes killing the EFC (you will often focus a healer, or CC the healer and focus EFC. Your target caller will make the call, if you have one).

Of course there are other situations that can and will arise, and it helps to be prepared. Experience is your friend here; expect to learn from it, and you can prepare strategies for situations you often find yourself in, or depending on team composition you may find different strategies that work better for you.

Example Team

  • FC: 1 Druid flag carrier
  • Healer: 2 Priests
  • DPS: 1 Mage, 1 Paladin, 1 Warlock, 3 Hunters, 1 Rogue, 1 Warrior
  • FC Offensive Team: Druid, Mage, Pal
  • FC Defensive Team: Druid, Mage, Priest


Forming the group:

Assuming /4 is /LookingForGroup, /2 is /Trade, and that /1 is /General:

/4 lfm WSG Premade: Need Priest/Pal/Mage/Hunter - pst
/2 lfm WSG Premade: Need Priest/Pal/Mage/Hunter - pst

On my server, these two channels both move very quickly, so hitting this every 10 seconds (or even faster) does not look or feel like spam. It may be different on yours.

General chat however, tends to move much slower, while in Ashenvale, a major city or anywhere in the world, so I wouldn’t recommend tapping this macro in general more than once every minute of couple of minutes (like only after class requirement updates, for example).

Macros to use in the Match
Set healers {star} and {diamond} and FC {circle} (or adjust to your preference).

# General Strategy 
/raid Targeting Priority:
/raid Peel for our healers: {star} and {diamond}
/raid Kill the enemy team's healers
/raid Kill the enemy team's Flag Carrier
/raid protect our FC: {circle}
/raid keep line of sight and peel for healers!

Using %t in a macro (or even in chat) will output the target’s name.

/rw focus fire on %t.

Anyway, this might seem like very straightforward common knowledge to some. It might seem horribly inaccurate to others, and it might even seem useful or helpful to yet others.

If you find any of the information in this guide to be incorrect, or if you think it could be better, please comment below.

Good luck out there, and maybe see ya in the BGs, whether Premade or Solo Queue!



Pugs can also use the same strategies to beat premades because the majority of them are just pugs that decided to get in discord from trade chat.

Here’s a basic guide that makes for a good introduction into class roles and map control. People think losing the mid figut as a pug vs a premade = automatic loss, but many times that couldn’t be further from the truth.

While the trade chat made of noobs is balled up below your graveyard, they have nobody controlling the fields flanks and are not defending their base. I’ve seen premades lose to full pugs by a Druid and 2 mages that know what they’re doing. They’ll be slow to go kill pug Druid because of confidence, and the 2 pug mages will just spam sheep and nova their whole entire team and the Druid makes it across

In the same sense, one rogue and even one ret paladin can kill the enemy FC by themsevles or really anyone that goes around “the blob” because the mid field is not always as important as 90% of the population thinks.

And this is why it’s funny to see these prems lose to pugs or small groups of 2 or 3 bc they simply do not know what they’re doing

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I’d be surprised if the majority is in discord.

Great link, thanks!


Also getting enemy raid frames + WA to help call out EFC location without having to type can go a long way.

Idk if this is the right one for vanilla but this WA is great for calling EFC -

And for raid frames I like ‘ratbg’ but there are many options. Use /rbg in game to set it up.

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BattleGroundTargets is also a must have.

And whenever you enter the game, press Shift+M. You’ll have a small battle map pop up that shows you where every player on ur team is cause map positioning is more important than anything else. Wsg is a misunderstood bg and you can win the game even if the other team has 5 times as many kills as u

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Quite telling the lack of responses isn’t it?

Goes to show people don’t want advice or to get better


After a few days of queueing solo and joining other people’s tradechat premades to have a look around, and then continuing a combination of solo queuing and building out my own, non-meta premades I’ve come to the perspective that while comp does play a role, it’s not the biggest role.

Attitude is huge. Some people just know what to do in BGs, and some people either don’t care, don’t know, a combination, or they are actively trying to lose. It’s difficult to deal with some of these people, frankly.

I’ve been purposely avoiding hunters and priests to see if I can get premade winning comps that are non-meta, and it is very possible.

What I think (at the moment) the posts about premades and solo queues are highlighting is a large issue with non-participation, and accepting and normalizing actively trolling one’s own team and teammates.

On the one hand, my preference would be to weed out this type of personality from BGs. That is to add some stringent enforcement like account actions, fines, etc. for non-participation. On the other hand, there seem to be so many people doing this, that perhaps it’s a playstyle people prefer.

Ultimately, it falls on the devs to decide what sort of culture they want to cultivate for our game community, and that means deciding whether to weed out some behavior in favor of other, or do nothing and let nature run its course.

For me, I’ll be moving to voice-based premades pretty soon, and will be enforcing strict participation rules, which may lead to some uncomfortable conversations, but what can ya do?


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They 100% need an option to report intentional BG sabotage.

Players actively trolling my team when I am in my 3 man premade stomp stack will have all my pugs afking.

Suddenly when we cap on the scary premade they decide to play.

Imagine winning faster had they just peeled the enemy team the first time instead of woe is meisms

Best guide:

  1. Click the BG icon on your map
  2. If the enemy team all say they come from the same server: AFK
  3. If killed, don’t resurrect

This is exactly the type of behavior that is asking for:

And it seems like it’s normalized on these forums to openly talk about it, as if that’s something that is OK, acceptable, or even good, and not completely deplorable.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying troll the other team by turtling and making the match last as long as possible, no matter what.

But use that time as a learning experience and practice something. Maybe try to get people to focus up, group up, peel your healers, focus fire on the enemy healers and see if you can get a kill on the eFC.


I’ll AFk tyvm

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Ha, yeah and that’s what I mean. Like, if that’s what you prefer, and if it’s something that is supported by the game rules and devs, then that’s a legitimate option, regardless of how I personally feel about it!

It won’t be for long though, I am not going to resub if this thing isn’t changed

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This is a thread about warsong strategy

You are playing a Druid. You have the ability to single handedly carry your pug to beat teams

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It’s pretty simple. Get a mage or druid to flag carry (or shaman). Get 5 priests and 4 hunters. Focus target literally anything, and you win. Ideally, kill healers first, while cc’ing carrier. Then kill carrier.

The end.

Don’t even need to kill anything in mid to win.

All you need to do is engage the enemy premade in mid field as your flag prepares to cross with the sole purpose of peeling them all so your druid crosses.

You don’t need to kill a single player to do that.

The only player you need to kill is the one going for flag pick

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