Premades in WSG

Groups: anyone utilizing the party/raid system to be placed in the same battleground as someone else

Solo: anyone not doing this

so in a 10man team, no two players can be pre-partied.

let’s say Player 1 and Player 2 are grouped and they queue,

what will the queue look for now? solo players 3-10? grouped only-players? how will the remaining 8 spots be filled?

Presumably with other duos? If there are enough people doing what you’re describing to be harmed by this problem, then the problem will fix itself. Right?

i’m asking for details only at this stage.

if a group of 3 players joins, and then a group of 4 players, now there are 9. What will the queue do about the 10th spot?

This is a pretty simple math problem for the server to handle. If adding any group would result in 9 total players, don’t do it. Otherwise add away.

it implies there is an abundance of 2-player groups to draw from. which is not confirmed.

an 8-player queue might not pop either. The server would be doing real-time Tetris.

Now let’s talk roles… do we balance roles too or first-come-first-served?

If there’s not an abundance of 2 player groups, then you don’t have a problem. This is a non-argument, because it’s a problem that would only affect those players.

Right now, solo queuing (which tbh I’m totally assuming is the majority of players) is miserable for most matches. If we’re using player experience as a metric, shouldn’t that weigh more than the case that you just admitted is an edge case?

As for roles, let groups decide those themselves, like they currently do.

Edit: also just adding: simple addition is not at all difficult for computers to handle. This is also a non-argument IMO. I do think your other prompts have been good points, but overall aren’t really material enough to outweigh the experience of the meat grinder that is solo queue right now.

you’re stuck at 8/10, you sure have a problem if there’s no 2-player groups.

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To get to 8/10, you queued as a less than 10 man group. This is easily solved by finding 2 more people for your group.

Literally just put full 10 stacks in a separate queue with other full 10 stacks. No need to make it more complicated than that. Also, probably hide the game instance number when your queue pops (if it doesn’t already, I can’t remember if they changed it). It won’t solve the problem completely, since you’ll still run into smaller semi-coordinated groups mixed in with the solos. But it helps people who just want to have fun avoid the sweats, and forces the sweats to work for their wins instead of just farming disorganized randoms.


You’ve raised some thoughtful points, but I feel like these are edge case issues.

I’m admittedly assuming that the vast majority of BG queuers are either solos or 10 mans. If this is the case, the vast majority of players wouldn’t be affected at all by the problem you’re describing.

As for the few players that are, they would quickly learn that queuing as a less than 10 man group results in slower queues. They have the tools to solve that themselves.

I just spent an hour or so in WSG with 5 absolute stomps by premades and only one relatively fair fight. To me, this is worse than waiting in a 1 hour queue for a single fair fight. I would way rather have ~5-10 minute queues for fair matches than be instant queued into premades. I would be surprised if other solo queue players didn’t have a similar opinion.

well, NOW they are.

but 20 minutes into the patch they’ll discover that 9/10 or 8/10 or 7/10 counts as pug and 10/10 counts as premade. then they’ll do 2x 5/10 and queue at same time.

you have to consider how players react to changes too. not just how changes restrict players. otherwise it’ll never work as intended. I think players will seek the breakpoint and stay on the ‘pug’ side of it so filling will become very convoluted on the back end.

convoluted = queue time.

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Premaders would cry. Theyre afraid of being forced to face anyone on equal footing. Itd hurt their wittul fee fees if they couldnt bully solo queuers in greens while hiding behind a stacked comp in raid gear and discord. And if you try and fight them with another premade, they legitimately will RUN AWAY TERRIFIED from you. Theyll afk and go hide for 15 minutes because they are terrified of a challenge.

It scares them on a subconscious level. Theyre afraid of being found out for the frauds they really are.

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Yes, right, so basically the premades wouldn’t be able to PUG stomp and that would be bad because their honor/rep per hour would go down significantly. So we need to have premades go up against PUGs, and if you don’t like that the premades will gas light the hell out of you.


Ill wait an extra 5 more Minutes to not be farmed. Tyvm.

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Lolol a horde player being the victim you didn’t say the same thing back in 2019 right . It was fun when the realms were 99% horde but now that things are equal suddenly it’s not “fair” gtf out of here.

Just did 10 games as an alliance single queue. Got 10 Premades in a row. i was going to try more but having 9 kills in 2 hours felt real bad.

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That sounds like a personal problem.

Who is doing this?

From what I’ve seen (anecdotally, of course), a lot of premades are just assembled through /LookingForGroup, have no gear requirements, and do not use any comms. There is very little that separates these from any PuG, other than better comp (specifically a guarantee of 2 healers).

While I absolutely do not feel that there is anything that needs to change now, if any changes were to be implemented:

To be honest - the queue dodging aspect is something I read in another forum post about this (from 2020), so it may not be an issue anymore, or it may be anecdotal.

FWIW the system described was that a premade would send a scout into a numbered BG instance, and queue for a different one if the scout saw a premade on the other team. It wasn’t the first place I’d heard of it, but it was anecdotal.

I deleted the comment for the above reasons. Either way, it doesn’t really matter why every match seems to be against a premade, which is another reason I shouldn’t have made the comment to begin with.

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