Premades in WSG

  • Cap groups at 5 like WotLK
  • Impose Deserter if you drop queue after a game pops to discourage syncing over comms
  • full 10m raids are allowed to queue but only face other 10m raids
  • 10v10 games award double rep and honor

If the main issue were voice comms, which it clearly isn’t, then people would use the in-game voice, and there would suddenly be no more issues.

However, (of course, this is just my opinion) there’s a massive advantage for a team that has a reasonable number of healers (classes that can heal and people playing them that do heal) versus a team that does not.

While sure capping groups to 5 means that a premade cannot control the team composition, this is (again, just my opinion) akin to saying, “Oh some people aren’t having fun? Let’s solve this by making it worse for everyone then.” When I think that it would be much better to give teams better compositions.

There are two ways I could see doing this:

  1. Forced composition: Require that each team has precisely 2 healers, 7 DPS, and 1 flag carrier


  1. Require that only full teams queue

Either way, you now no longer have the issue of one team having a massive composition advantage versus the other.

Of note, I am not actually asking for any changes. I think the system is fine the way it is now. There are some people complaining about the current system and asking for changes that seem to benefit themselves. I am proposing that if there are changes to the rules to be made, we look at the goal (in this case team composition fairness, measured by number of assigned roles per team).

There is no negative side. The only people it’s bad for are the people queuing premades purely to pug stomp, which I guess is most of them. But as a whole it would benefit the vast majority and it’s kind of dumb that the Devs ignore the outcry for solo queue.


I really couldn’t tell you the reason they didn’t at least cap it at 5 man stacking.
Someone who ques premades in discord every day and /afks against other premades will not like this sentiment though.

How many threads like this we need for Blizzard to listen?


Let’s see where all the anti premaders are at come AV when the av premade discords will be made

They won’t have a problem pug stomping then

Let’s keep that same energy and not premade AV.

What do you think the purpose of a premade BG group is?