Premades in random and epic bg's need to end

So then why are u the only one they call traitor? I can only imagine what they would call me

Hard to say really. Who knows if there are more solo queuers or more communities queuing up. If you listen to these forums, it sounds like the premades overtake the queues. I don’t personally think so. When I queue it’s about a 50/50 chance of getting pugs or premades.

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People join ours to have fun.

Have We Met works, I use it.

We call you 10 Ply. Cause that’s what you are.

Because they’re joking. Same as when I tell someone I’m about to RPG their siege headed toward a tower and they stop and start shooting where they think I am. And I don’t even have an RPG. Also why I don’t support honor farming by either side. I’m friends with everybody so bullying pugs is messing with my friends.

And that’s fine - the “problem” is premades getting paired up against unsuspecting pug teams (who stand no chance of being able to fight back/huge disadvantage)

If premade vs premade happened most of the time instead of the usual premade vs pugs, I don’t think anyone would care about the premade topic

Premade vs premade is fine imo. Back when he still streamed, I really enjoyed tuning into those specific Alecthegreat streams where he ended up paired off against another premade and both sides fought hard/close matches, those kinds of games are really enjoyable to watch :ok_hand:

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Sick of it. 1 out of every 3 epics seems to be a horde premade now.


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I like Epics, but it seems like every time I queue I’m either getting backfilled into a losing WG or getting paired against a premade community in AV, Ashran, or IoC. So now I only play an Epic once a day for the conquest.

We are like the Borg… you will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

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Blizzard should just give premades the Twink pvper Treatment, Force them to play with other premades.

Lets say for randoms, If you Que with 3 or more (Roughly) players in your party you get put in a Premade lobby with other premades looking to fill the remaining slots.

Epics? Just have them fight another 40v40 Premade and let them enjoy the taste of their own medicine in that cess pit.

Premades meet premades almost every night . Those games are the most fun


I have to disagree. They may be what’s keeping community players still in WoW, but they’re strangling epics for everyone else. Anyone who’s been in a pvp community knows what happens when “only one group” gets pulled in. It’s a bad thing. They announce it in discord. Their match will typically play out as if they had just solo-queued and if they lose they’ll say “we only had one group”. It’s a crutch, I’d wager PvP communities are the last thread keeping their members even in the game. If Blizzard somehow broke the ability to sync-queue that would probably be the end. Maybe that’s why Blizzard doesn’t fix it.


Several would quit. Not even joking. It’ll be the same thing that happened with the Twinks. There were enough twinks active and playing to have a healthy twink queue back in the day. Day 1 of the split and what felt like 80% of the twink community never touched their twinks again.

Bit tired of this bad take. There were a lot of twinks but it was a clear minority compared to the vast quantity of levelers that supported a 24/7 queue. Twinks could NOT support their own separate queue. It is like if sudden only level 15’s were in the queue or if only druids were filling games. Most people will not sit in “unavailable” queue for 60+ minutes hoping that there is an accumulating pop. IMO it’s only expected that people would ‘never touch thier twink again’ after experiencing that.

Going from 24/7 games to only 2 hours during prime time or organized Saturday games is an extreme restriction. Might as well quit or play max level. There was organized xp off twink vs twink games (and still might be) I participated in that were fun, cause twinks often do enjoy competitive matches despite the sentiments of bitter levelers, but ultimately it was too much of a hassle and one by one people quit while never being replaced because “twinking was dead” mentality.

Organizing games had it’s own drawbacks because some players can’t even make those time frames and even those that could might not get to play because there isn’t room for them in the 1 game that is going at a time.


The lesson to be learned from both Twink separations is the instant hit to participation that followed. Every bogeybeing was still there to reap what players thought would be taken away. With less players of course combined with a wide open lack of matchmaking to make up for it with the last BFA separation.
But hey! I bet some premade matchmaking would have helped mitigate Twinks in groups vs Pugs too. Right?

Compared to premades in Randoms/Epics this is similar, on one side we have a group participating (which is great). On the other side we have the detrimental effects of it.
There is a medium which can allow everyone to play together for sure.
I am not with separation of any kind within our game, bringing folks together is a much healthier option.

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But we absolutely did support our own queue, for quite a while. After the split most of the remaining Twink guilds and serious twink players migrated over to the realms associated with the Rampage battlegroup. 10-19 and 20-29 remained very popular, with queue times being 20 minutes and under. If you were outside of that battlegroup then it probably died off.

This seems accurate, except I doubt Blizzard puts that much thought into it. Communities add an extra element to epics and can lead to more interesting games but they are certainly not needed to keep epics alive and do discourage some people from queuing. I sympathize with the PuGs that get stream rolled by communities. No one wants to get steamrolled. Doing the steamrolling gets dull as well (for some players).

This WE you say is how small of a fraction of the twink community from before the split? For 80%+ twinks it was DoA for the bracket split. I acknowledged that some brackets maintained games but don’t ignore that vast majority of twinks that were not part of that, or the people that could not be part of that. I played 59s on ruin for months after the split but we only did organized Saturday games. Only those low level brackets had a chance of sustaining themselves and plenty of twinks from less ‘popular’ brackets weren’t interested.


In regards to the WOTLK separation (first one) it basically destroyed years of characters and possibly active accounts to go with it.
We must remember/remind that during these past eras micro transactions were not really as prevalent/accessible/reasonable even compared to our current game.
So when the separation occurred, one of the only options was to Transfer our characters to other Realms & Battlegroup. This was a big move.
Twinks were not easy to just reroll and start up fresh like now, how many years went into these toons? plus server community etc all combined was a hard sale.
What followed going into Cata was the reroll culture within the lower brackets.
Heirlooms enjoyers were considered Twinks now, the forums were on fire. :dracthyr_shrug:


I did choose to reroll on a different battlegroup. The twinking guilds that already existed there were more than accommodating with guild banks full of BiS blues and enchants, and they were constantly helping new players run content to help with gearing. However, I did lose out on several of my old twinking characters that I had previously spent MONTHS gearing.

It was tough but we made it work.

The second split however, hit much harder than the first. There were no battlegroups, it was all one big queue. There were thousands of twinks coming into BFA at every bracket. Had they stayed and given it a chance, I do not think it would have been as bad as they though.

The other sad fact is that without a gear advantage, most of those players didn’t want to play. I think this will stay true with Epic BG communities as well. Many would rather quit playing the game than deal with a random group.