Premades in random and epic bg's need to end

Blizzard knows raids are coordinating in different groups to bypass the premade restriction and filling up bg’s with half or majority of their raid in the same bg. There are certain guilds that do this on the regular. I won’t name them out but they RUIN the experience.

Form raid into 5 man groups.
Que at exact same time.
Half of your raid is in the bg.

This isn’t some grey area. This is just a workaround to the premade restrictions. They get into bg’s like AV, don’t do any objectives and just farm hk’s for an hour. Considering how many on the other team leave and join into that mess, this is far more detrimental than it is beneficial for the 20-40 that cheesed the system.

If that isn’t bad enough. I have entered into some where it had JUST started and the remaining team said that they have 10-15 healers that all immediately left right after the gates opened. This leaving the team with no healers and ripe to be farmed near the field(AV).

I get some people get off on ruining the experience of others but I guess if you can’t hack it in rbg’s or random bg’s, you have to feel elite in random epics.

This crap needs to stop.


Ruin hasn’t done epic bgs in like two weeks, outside of a drunken fun night a week ago where everyone was on alts and there were a grand total of 7 people in the group.

Also, just join an epic bg community if you’re that upset about getting farmed. SAS and DJL exist.


just because he hasn’t done it in a while doesn’t excuse the problems he has caused in the past honestly, he prob got a warning and had to lay off he will be back he always comes back.


Trash community, always falls apart against any good alliance group. Sas is the only real one.


I think you mean when we have 10 and you have 35+. Fixed that for ya.


Don’t listen to this guy. He didn’t get enough hugs when he was a kid…probably still doesn’t. Sad.




^ :+1:

Those are the worst.

^ This.


I had no idea this was such a massive problem in the 50-59 bracket of Classic.


I haven’t met any community that farms hks in AV on the regular either, outside of premade games where neither side can get an advantage.

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WSB usually tries to force a turtle in AV when we queue, the normal AV strat is a snoozefest.

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Many people don’t want to join a specific community in order to consistently enjoy random epics. The purpose of the LFG queue system was to eliminate the need to preform a raid. Something designed for convenience is now often an inconvenience.

Many people also enjoy these communities though. Therefore, the queue system should accomodate that style of play as well, allowing up to 40-man premades under the condition that only comparably-sized premades will be matched against each other… never against full PUGs (unless hitting an extreme queue time).


so you admit to exploiting?


It’s not exploiting. We q in 5 mans with our friends. No external add ons are used. The other big horde community uses an add on :smiley:

if you are more then 5 man you are exploiting plain and simply stop making excuses lol


A full pug team should never be matched against a premade raid. The game would be extremely one-sided and not fun for the pugs. Pugs would cycle out to bring more pugs into this miserable experience.

If a premade raid is hitting extreme queue times, that means there are zero or hardly any premade raids on the opposite faction in NA. That would suggest how unpopular they are.


Says the guy that sits in the forums all day just to troll people that think differently XD get real man.


I’m convinced the majority of the few people crying about ‘premades’ in epic BGs do not play many eBGs, if they play them at all, AND are also those kinds of people who don’t want to learn how to play them well.

Also, the direction from which the ~reasonable person’s~ complaint is coming is important. So: 1) is the complaint from alliance side or horde side?, and 2) what is the time of day the person is playing? Because skill/gear level between factions does seem to alternate depending on these factors. So while alliance may have it tougher at certain hours, horde may have it tougher during others, regardless of ‘premades’ existing on either side.

What i don’t have patience with is the usual suspects (a few) who constantly come on the forums wanting to kill community play when they themselves don’t even play eBGs and/or deride those of us who enjoy them. The folks whose opinions are valid are those who play eBGs OFTEN, and play to win, whether they are solo-only players or community players.

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I can understand the community aspect (benefit) to having these online rivalries, it’s always been cool to see and watch. Lots of great stuff to work with imo.
When systems are being outplayed through the various means, players will start to notice and make comments. NA might just be a small slice of this pie in comparison to EU where notice has been publicly made for more much longer.
They have set it up like a business.
The old “it’s the same people talking to themselves” might not apply here. Although we may have seen this tech recently. It’s been quiet. :dracthyr_shrug:

The fact is that there is third party software being used to implement these Sync queued matches. From the looks of things this can be used in any PVP matchmaking,
10 to 40 players all the same.
At one point in this games history there was some official stances delivered which clearly state that these methods/addons were not intended.
For the integrity of the game and all.

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I can understand taking issue with an addon being used to sync queues. For a solo pugger it’s obviously disgusting to enter a BG to see a large or nearly full premade on the other side. But even for opposing premades, if they are manually trying to sync queues they may get fewer groups/solos in. As usual, it’s on blizz to make the call and the fix regarding any addon usage.

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