Premades in random and epic bg's need to end

idk tried to go along with premades being okay in randoms, but honestly its just ruining the random game mode, not sure what the solution is but what we have just isn’t working, people have just stopped queuing solo altogether

It’s not your place to be trying to micro manage people. Why do you think random BGs randomly select a raid leader instead of allowing someone to queue up in a raid leader position?

If they wanted you to micro manage people and have the ability to kick people as so, they would do that through a vote to kick feature like they do in LFR and LFG. It’d be fairly easy to incorporate, but they didn’t.

Almost like they don’t want people being kicked from random BGs just because someone is trying to tell them how to PvP. You’re going to get bad players, yes. That’s bound to happen, but you premaders are under the illusion from premading your own games (which isn’t normally supported anyway in the game or else Blizzard would allow you to queue in a raid group) that you are justified in kicking people because, “tHeY aReNt LiStEnInG tO uS!!1”

Again, you’re falsely reporting people to get them kicked. You’re not justified in kicking people just because people don’t want to follow your premader instructions.

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Solution would be enabling cross faction queues. Premaders trying to sync a whole raid group into an epic BG will suddenly find half of their members on the enemy team, which is hilarious to think about.

It would cause so much in fighting within their own communities that it’d kill premades on its own.


If they didn’t want the 5 mans to raid lead, then why does it give lead to those in groups over people who solo q? Because grouping in an MMORPG is encouraged.

The side with their raid leader (or target caller) will win. Their members on the other team don’t know what to do when they get no instructions.

…but they do. It’s called gameplay sabatoge. Here is how Blizz defines it…

" Actively harassing or disrupting your own team through the use of game mechanics or player actions"

Just like LFR if you get people repeatedly failing the mechanics and not listening to calls they get kicked. Same rule applies here.

And I think you missed the part about people acting deliberately and arguing. It’s one thing to make a mistake. But to do it over and over and then to mouth off after being asked to stop or whatever. Why does anyone need to put up with that?

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Why is this a problem … communities are literally what’s keeping epics alive at this point . Even then barely , as the average player wants to jsut zerg and finish the game in 5 mins .


You might consider that their presence has contributed significantly to average players not wanting to play epics in the first place. I don’t think they are a net positive, to be sure.


The emergence of multiple epic communities in the last few years says that it’s a popular method of grouping. And Epic queues are the shortest they have been for years .

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Pugs keep bgs alive.

Ever see the number of pugs who leave your games? And the pugs who cycle in and then cycle out?

All those players would rather not PvP than play against your premade raids.

Why doesn’t Blizzard like premade raids in bgs? They drive all the pugs away from PvP.

Here’s a quote from Scott Mercer, Blizzard developer, about gameplay sabotage. Granted, this is about Overwatch and not World of Warcraft, but Blizzard typically tends to have the same policy across all of their games. I couldn’t find anything specific for World of Warcraft:

Unless a player is actively feeding the enemy team or afking, it’s not gameplay sabotage. You may not like that they aren’t listening to you, but it isn’t gameplay sabotage.

Obviously, I know we don’t have a “Avoid as Teammate” system, but again, this is from Overwatch.

No, the reason for the emergence of epic communities is because it’s a fast way of grinding Honor for those who need it. Reason being, if you queued for an epic community solo, you’re likely going to fight against a premade and at that point, you lost.

As other premaders said in previous posts, people will join premade communities for the sole purpose of not losing to another premade community.

People aren’t joining them because they like them, people are joining them because they feel like if they don’t, they’ll lose to another premade community.

Its a negative experience, all things considered.

When you don’t need honor and do epics cause they are fun you don’t really care about fighting premades

Not necessarily , SAS specific queues for AV’s. You get no CQ , no bonus honor and everyone is in BiS gear anyway . Those games are popular.

Anyway epic queue times are really short during prime time NA, they used to be 2-3 times as long in BFA. The Epic scene is doing pretty well nowadays.


Yeah it was a thread on GD I believe. Thread was about Ruin kicking some dude out of the bg, he claimed he was playing objectives and we linked screenshots of him telling us to F off while he was cap trading with a horde rogue. Other screenshots after of him spamming the n word in instance chat, and that’s when he got the boot.

It then got brigaded by a bunch of classic alts and level 1s mass reporting me and several others.

The thread eventually got deleted and I haven’t seen the blue post since.

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Ignore works for PvE.

I don’t know if it works for PvP.

The player pool for pvp is so small already if they refused to put people on other peoples ignore in the same group ques would never pop lmao especially with modern day sensibilities

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I don’t know if it would cause in fighting. I’ve been in Horde Discord before while solo-queued on my Alliance and had them TELL me there’s a bounty on me for being a traitor. Then we spend the whole match playing cat and mouse as I take objectives and don’t die. Or they focus me hard and it allows my team to take an objective because of it. I’ve even been in B-Net chat mid-match with the other side while we’re playing, joking about what’s going on in chat. We both want to win so neither side is going to give away anything, but landing on both sides gets pretty humorous. I’ve RPG’d siege in WG while TELLLING them I’m about to RPG them and daring them to find and stop me.

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Wouldn’t in Ruin. People would laugh about it lmao.

Oof a traitor huh

At this point everyone plays both sides. I switch back and forth so much my Druids are identical. They probably have almost the same kill count.