Premades in random and epic bg's need to end

Can confirm: I have seen Torturekilla and their premade coordinate kicking someone who didn’t follow their strat in instance chat

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You mean you were the one whining and refusing to cooperate and push. A zerg will not win vs another premade. If you don’t want to pvp, you can leave. We queue to pvp.

he’s mine I want him back!!!

This is a common excuse used by premades when they abuse report AFK to boot pugs out of their games.


No, that’s where gameplay sabotage is. Tell Blizz not to put it under the afk section. We are reporting people who are not contributing. And that match I didn’t even type much as I was at IBT defending most of the game.

gameplay sabotage is someone actively doing something like grabbing aa and running into the alliance so they the alliance can get the aa…not just someone not following instructions…that happens all the time. just look at the people running bombs in the keep on ioc…yeah they certainly aren’t following anyone’s directions but that’s not considered sabotage its just considered foolish

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If they are contributing, I don’t report em.

Last night you kicked a ret paladin who was top DPS with 49 killing blows out of Ashran because he didn’t give AA to the blood DK in your group.

Tonight you were spam reporting people going north because they were capping towers, instead of turtling at IBT with you, with the same blood DK from the Ashran game (monstrosity) bragging about booting people in chat. Then telling people to get to IBT or get booted.

I didn’t say a word in your chat, I just spent time sending in tickets on you and all of your cronies while you proceeded to lose the game.

Even if you don’t partake (let’s be honest, yes you do) you know the people in the premade group that you “lead” (if you can call what you do, leading) do actively report people out of the game, and still let them join with you.


It says right there push IWB…

Give it the GTAV treatment. Give them all dunce caps and put them into their own ques. Cross faction or whatever it takes to make sure their ques pop. They can fight against each other.

Selective reading also shows you missing the part where your buddy is actively telling people who are going north they’re getting booted for zerging :).

But zerging is a strat in the game, and is in no way gameplay sabotage and the person isn’t afk. So why are u spam booting these people out of the BGs with your premades? We may have actually won that game by them contributing to taking the towers north instead of turtling and losing at IBT with you in a hour+ game.


Saying he’s a fan of it doesn’t mean it was done.

The 2 rogues I was queue’d with got booted, it was done. It’s fine you guys are getting spam reported multiple times everytime you do this and the word is spreading, there’s more than enough tickets and forum posts now about you guys that blizzard eventually will do something to you all. Hope you enjoy the vacation that is soon to come.


The rogues who wouldn’t go and take the mines you mean? They were asked to help during the whole match. I had to send druids to the mines. Mines regenerate resources ya know…

I remember that name from AV as alliance where a person in our raid said to report him. I didn’t remember the name until now.

This specifically was the game where I and about 10 others joined right after the gates opened because a legion of healers mysteriously left right after the gates opened leaving alliance with no heals.

Hmmm. I hesitated to report as I don’t do that much. I know many did but now I think I should’ve, too. Seems to be a habit of his to disrupt the experience of other players in RANDOMS.

yeah but that’s not gameplay sabotage that’s just them not following your directions…kinda a difference imho


I didn’t report em. Like I said, I was busy in IBT. I did ask about 20 times for rogues to cap mines though.

That’s the point. If you don’t play the game exactly how the 15+ of them want you to play it you get booted. Every AV they run is a hour+ long turtle because they want to farm 600 alliance kills vs taking the towers and winning the game in the usual 15ish minutes it should take.

They do it in WG too, Ashran the only thing they boot you for is if you don’t give AA to someone in their premade which they usually want you to drop it to a blood DK lul.

We take towers, we complete objectives. We just don’t zerg. When you have lead you can call the strat.

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That player name and guild name though…especially the guild name haha…love that.

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