Premades in random and epic bg's need to end

He fit right in with us. He and Val like it in DJL. :slight_smile:

I don’t even know what djl stands for

I noticed that…

If I had to guess, Davey Jones Locker.

Yep. We’re pirates.

The advantage SAS has is they promote everyone knowing what they’re doing and acting independently unless there’s a call. Back caps, node defense, hitting the right wall, all happen without any calls. Most SAS regulars could probably lead the whole raid.


Kro from SAS? I haven’t been in SAS in a while but he’s a good guy. Very stable. He and I did a fancy side door on Ashran and won it with when our team was getting slaughtered. We only had one group in there. I was on Carrigan in that one (now named Ravenberry).

Yep, he and I always got along and had mutual respect for each other.

Some of them probably could. Some of them are headless chickens without their main raid leads.

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In what world are “strats” necessary for a premade to beat a pug. Target calling and coordinated healing should be enough to win any straight up fight.

Well how about that. Really surprising, he’s always been kind of a fixture over there.

Probably because there are objectives to play and if you have people who don’t play them, you can lose.


No one is doing TC. Mainly just following directions on where to go

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Yup. You can sometimes beat them as a solo queuer, no premade. Especially if Cinco isn’t there.

I remember playing them on my hunter last xpac and they were getting farmed in base by pugs until apparently someone forgot how to play defense and they burned one last tower to go ahead on reinforcements and win the game.

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I mean the only thing that makes Epic BGs crap now are Torturekilla and her band of merry mongoloids that ruin it on the horde side. If you do anything other than turtle for 3 hours for epic lulz they spam vote you afk til you get kicked and cycle more people in.

I know a bunch of ppl who have open tickets on them so I imagine they’re gonna get taken care of soon enough but it’s a pretty trash experience playing with them.


Is this true?

If so, that’s disappointing.

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About the kind of behavior I’d expect from a sync qer tbh


O yeah, they even brag about it in chat. Currently in an AV with them now and Monstrosìty
is bragging about booting all the people who tried to zerg. Like I said I know a bunch of people in this BG alone who have been reporting them. Just up to blizzard to get off their hands.

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