Premades in random and epic bg's need to end

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You had your chance on beating us when we had 3 heals to your 10. If i remember right we only had 2 groups running at the time :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :rofl:. It’s whatever, even people from Sas say you’re horrible. if that doesn’t say something i dont know what does. :rofl: :rofl: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: but you do you lol…


Who would win a boomkin or a cliff?


Guy you’re quoting is talking about addons and no community epic or otherwise uses addons outside of one specific Horde community.

The irony of this insult, considering the reason Torture left SAS to form her own community. She thought the cross-community insults had gotten too personal against your side. I was in both SAS and in SoD at the time. Say what you want about Torture, and she does talk a lot of trash, but she’ll defend even you if someone crossed the line. I still come and go in SAS, I like them, and they still like Torture.


This should be a lesson to all the parents out there. Hug your kids and tell them you love them every day. Otherwise they’ll end up like this. Sad. Maybe we can start a GoFundMe to get this poor guy some therapy…or at least get him to a petting zoo. I’m sure the goats will love him back. Probably.


Heh just prevent anyone on Tichondrius from forming BG premades, problem solved.

I complain about Premades…quit doing BG’s a couple years ago because of them and havent set foot in a BG since.

Ill come back once Blizz starts banning for exploiting in the BGs

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Torture sound like she wants a live streamed team v team fight…i could be wrong. i’d watch :slight_smile:

Again, most of those healers weren’t in DJL. So they aren’t “mine”. We had I think 8 ppl in there. We do the best we can with what we have. We don’t give up and we don’t afk out. We play together to have fun and that’s all that matters to us. I could give a crap if you or SAS likes us. SAS likes me enough to use my strats :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, not entirely. Yes, the blue post in that article was a blue answering a question about oQueue and why they decided to break it, but if you read further into that post he talks about premades as a whole, not just through the use of an addon.


I think it’s fair to say Blizzard definitely isn’t fond of premades, regardless of how they’re formed because they just feel it’s unfair for pugs to fight a premade.


I was referring to the poster he/she/it was quoting. There’s only one community that uses addons for anything related to epics. They’re horde side.

Haven’t seen Ruin in a while honestly but they started it.

Epic BG communities are a joke. Yeah ofcourse 30 of you can perform well TCing and strat calling against 40 random people who have no comms. It isn’t impressive just stupid.

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Don’t think so. I have been in groups led by most known leaders on Horde and Alliance . Cinco is without doubt the best for epics.

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Just to clarify, are you saying SAS doesn’t like Torturekilla enough? Or doesn’t use their strats? Or both?

Strats… I don’t know who likes who .

What are Torturekilla’s strats? Are you sure SAS doesn’t use them?

Just experience after playing many games

Ruin was definitely not the first guild or community to do epics lmao.

Give me my Kro back…or face my wrath! js