Premades in random and epic bg's need to end

Problem with some of the “more than 2 people in a group or from same server is a premade” is that the matchmaking system picks up whoever is available for a Epic BG. I see people from my server all the time in BG’s but we’re never grouped directly.

So I never assume if I see three to six players with the same server name that its a premade. Because we can cross-server group so…

What should really happen is

  1. Inform when an actual premade is in a BG, 7 or more in a group. (That would mean mucking about with their Party system and Raids and the funky way they work for instanced stuff like PvP. No simple feat to rework it, but needed)

  2. Weight the group finder to prefer premade matching as much as possible without running the risk of making ques a 3 hour wait.

  3. Cross faction being more of a reality now… LFG system should have LFP (Lookin for Premade) in PvP as its own option. It’s a thing already with custom groups but the hassle of manual engagement is what will deter it from being used most.

Seperately, World PvP has a bunch of rewards and stuff going for it that shadow Epic Battlegrounds. And it poses the question how a Epic Battleground could maybe be more dynamic to world space instead of exclusive to a instance, much like Wintergrasp or Ashran were at their peaks.

As I mentioned before though… requires someone who is actually engaged in PvP on Blizz’s side who also isn’t trying to force it to be a E-Sport. (If its good enough it’ll become one on its own.) Money being the drive for their motivation to really do anything, ever, is why they keep failing.

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That could maybe work. I don’t think so since you are right about them being afraid to lose. Nothing wrong with competitive losses. But hellish losses against premades is just on another level. You can’t organize against them because so many just afk out and the backfillers quickly find out how bad it is and more afk out.

I’m not quite sure what blizzard is capable of but they have these communities in-game now. No more than two 5 man groups, or 10 individuals, from one of those in-game communities should be in an epic per side. 10 men is only a quarter of the team and that would probably be fine. That’s enough for a rated team to practice in the epic without making it a bad experience for 40+ players on the other side.

If they are content with having good clashes, the rest of their raid can merc mode and maybe end up against them since the priority que exists. Open up merc mode for alliance as well.

And no regular bg should have more than 1 group, or 5 individuals, from one of those communities in the same bg per side.

Make the leftovers that were trying to get in wait for the next que. If they think they can just leave que and try again, they face the same restriction. If they try the individual sync, same waiting game if in X community. And if they bypass those restrictions by leaving the in-game communities, then maybe we do have to consider cross-faction bg’s(something I don’t like thinking about as a possibility). OR no more group que altogether(something else I don’t like).

But since they(blizzard) made it a point to remove individual twinks from regular bg’s multiple times over the years, surely they know that these premade communities bring the same, if not worse, scenario for pugs. And with party sync stomping all over leveling bg’s now, this isn’t so much about “get gud,” it’s about STOP RUINING THE GAME.


Sync qing is the most cringe thing in WoW casual pvp

Who cares if you can beat 40 randoms with a 40 man group in discord


Absolutely. And there comes a point where if what they’re doing only hurts that aspect of the game, stop it.


Crazy how many people don’t touch epics simply because of sync q

I know I don’t

It’s funny whenever they form 10 mans for random bgs
They’re all 40-50% win rate players in 10 stack sync q xD


Should be easy to beat sub par players when everyone is in the same CQ gear

that’s my point yes

So what’s the problem then

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Make sync qing bannable so they get to play the game by everyone elses rules

Or just the rules. That apply to everyone.

I’m 99% sure that’s what I just said

EDIT: 100% sure. Final Answer.

Why do you care if sub par players sync together

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Why did blizzard when they said it created an unfair advantage?

(The answer is right there)

The implication is that there are different sets of rules. Their rules and everyone else’s rules. We’re asking them to follow everyone else’s rules. Conversely, they could ask everyone else to follow their rules.

I’m just saying there are only one set of rules. No our rules and their rules.

Because it ruins pvp for the casual, decreasing the population of pvpers for everyone else

I play by the ToS

They can follow my rules

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Eh… Sort of? For a party, yes, but most WPvP activities such as the Sparks quest, AOO, and WPvP WQs can’t be completed in a raid.

I don’t think anyone here is against parties queuing for BGs, after all it’s available for everyone to do, what isn’t available for everyone to do is syncing multiple groups to get into the same BG. If everyone were doing that, you’d have a difficult time trying to start a game if everyone is dropping queue just because they didn’t get the same pop.

What I think is, if people enjoy premades as much as these communities claim, Blizzard should allow queueing for BGs/Epics in a raid group.

The catch is, they will only be put in a queue against others also queueing in a raid group. To fill in the remaining members, there could be a checkbox option for those queueing solo/party that serves as a, “we don’t mind being backfill.” Having that checked means they can get into BGs queueing with premades, but if not, then they’re just queueing with other solos/party groups.


Well ppl are calling players syncing as sub par so not sure why it would matter if they group up . Not like they have superior gear , everyone has full CQ

Yeah! Everyone has full conquest!

Imagine stepping into epic bgs with only honor gear. Who would do that? Definitely not me.

* cough *

This is the way.
Players having a better understanding that there is some form of matchmaking will promote more players taking part in the fun. More action = Faster queues + hopefully a better quality of game. From the gates anyway.

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