Premades in random and epic bg's need to end

I’m poking and prodding them a little.

It seemed like they were going to leave it up to RNG if they run into each other. Still might happen.

And SaS is always trying to jump into a fight with other premades nightly…

Yall know you can wargames right?

Yeah well…Prod more …let them get into it…I’m sure SaS will be in the water somewhere as well as we do that every night

We are i hear from SPM in the works to Wargame them …that’s according to Miz who said he was in talks with Cinco. Understand though wargames are a very hard setup …from what i understand

Get a 40 person raid group

1 person needs the addon on each team

I wargames people in arena all the time for fun lol

I don’t lead anything cept the whiskey to my lips…Thats for the big people…I’m just the last kid picked

I got a feeling both leaders don’t actually want to fight for risk of losing reputation

It’s very easy to blame pugs for losses if ur just qing up with 30-35

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Trolls have a wacky run animation but look good in the hiney pants that everything but leather get to wear. So mine is wearing the lovely black dress. Why do mail and plate get hiney pants anyway.

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All I know is if there is a spot for me I’m totally down with it…the rest is up to those who call the shots …what’s on their mind is only known to them

Lol who knows but leather and mail mogs are kinda hard…my plate wearers have shmexy sets rolling the clothies have soooo much to choose from

i dont remeber their name but there was a dk from SaS that would come on the forums all the time

He challenged my random group to a wargames 10v10 with cinco and they all flaked


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I can’t speak to that …nor am I really in the know…I just follow the crowd to the food line my friend

I guess all the forum banter is just good fun and roleplay

or perspectives and thoughts…experiences

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Like for instance pugging in the daytime either side really makes me want to pull out every hair on my head. God it’s bad just whinning all through the game from before the start to the finish…hell even when we are up people are complaining left and right…that’s my experience with Pugging today and really any day. I tend to try and stay away from that stuff as it’s so dismal and really brings on a bad mood. However I wanted to roll it and have the experiences to relay in all the threads on how premades need to end…god please no please…no! Alcohol sales will soar!

I just think there needs to be a line they can’t cross. For example I own a home in a gated community. We have trails, a stocked lake, sports fields, gazebos, etc. We all pay for it with our HOA fees and we’re all allowed to use all the facilities. There’s no private usage unless you schedule it.

BUT… there are certain residents who try to take over certain facilities. They’ll bring their dogs out to the ball parks and nobody can go in there. Bring their kids’ school team out to our private ball park to practice. Drive remote control cars on the basketball courts. Kayak around in the stocked lake right next to the fishing pier where parents are there with their kids trying to fish. Yes, they pay the same HOA fee as everyone else… but what they’re doing is depriving the rest of us to the same access.

That’s where I think premades cross the line. Winning is one thing, nothing wrong with winning. But when they start bullying other customers by vote kicking them. Farming the other team instead of playing the match. That’s using their community to harass other customers.

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This 100%. Queue times may get a little longer, but there are things that can be done to ensure a better experience for everyone involved. Make it so that premades exclusively face each other. Remove the 5 man restriction. Classify anyone in a group of 2 or more as a premade. Don’t start the BG until everyone has accepted the queue. Allow players to opt into single queueing into the premade BG scene. Maybe an alert message in the pop-up accept screen. “This is a premade lobby, both your team and the enemy team is made up of groups of players”

I’d honestly be more willing to accept a queue if I knew that my side also had organized PvP.

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It would solve a lot of the premades from trying to hunt each other down as well in a random generated ebg

Definitely. There are a ton of Epic BG communities, and there are a ton of players who aren’t in one who want to be in one. It could simplify recruitment for these communities.