Premades in random and epic bg's need to end

Yoggy quit to focus on IRL stuff, I probably should do the same soon, the bg scene is dumb

That’s why I wish Blizzard would make a statement about it. I enjoy the cooperation of sync-queues, SAS in particular with its decentralized leadership style. But I also see how destabilizing they all are to unrated bgs. It just feels unfair and I don’t want to be associated with it anymore until Blizzard says they’re within the rules.

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Blizz making a statement on it would mean they have someone available managing PVP. They don’t, their house is a mess. PVP in general should have gotten a separate talent tree this expac so the rebalancing fiasco can finally stop.

Premades have been a function of WoW BG’s for a long time. They don’t need to go away, they need more support. World PvP gives great gains for joining groups. Same thing needs to happen for premades in BG’s with more focused matching. Epic BG’s in general need a competent reworking, and we’re long long overdue for new Bg’s overall.

Which again… needs personnel to do it and they don’t have it.


MORE time for FRAAM to
Cuz YOU are getting
FRAAM WANT’S a lot more
FiRE than you TOOHLESS
I want and NEED A Serious
I will take MY TIME and really
that WOW EPIC CAN GIve to
Can’t cut it, RUTH!!!
or move over I AM COMING!!!

all right’s reserved!!!

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I heard that…I liked him he seemed really cool…Hopefully all is well with him. I have heard he is a really great guy as far as people who knew him and ran with him a lot.

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Well said. I don’t blame the pugs for deciding to do that. However, I think a lot of people on the forums are dishonest about their bias. The horde players seem to hate Ruthlessbro or other alliance leads, etc, but they give a pass to their own horde premades. I see more consistency overall coming from alliance players in that they’re saying, “These horde premades exist so we made our own premades to counter.”

I find it really strange that those always bashing ‘premades’ seem to go noticeably in one direction - against alliance.

From my experience, alliance do have it harder in eBGs. You can point at pugs and say it’s their own fault, which would be true. That’s why some alliance, not all, decided they’d make communities to unite folks who are very tired of bad alliance pugs.

Now, go to horde side ‘premades’, and it’s the same idea/attitude. They don’t like bad pugging either so they play together instead. Thing is, the horde have a large head start - they’ve been playing together 2+ years, and have more premade communities, compared to alliance playing together 4 months.

So if the people so angry about ‘premades’ are genuine they would be ranting and raving against the horde ones who’ve been rolling alliance pugs for years. But they aren’t. Why is that?

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That’s because they have. In a pre-made, your entire team, if not most of them are going to be well-geared and are communicating, compared to a group of randoms who are NOT communicating, and are for a large majority of them, vastly outgeared.

It’s one of pvp’s biggest problems that Blizzard has failed to address. So yes, the pre-made groups on either faction are part of the problem.


I have failed.


For example, when I said this:

I didn’t specify Horde premade raids.


You would be wrong. I play a lot of epic bg’s when I am in the game, across a lot of characters ally and horde side. You begin to recognize players and guilds, obviously and yes, BOTH factions do it, a LOT.


Yeah this is just bad game design. I can’t imagine anyone stepping into this as a relatively new player and enjoying it on any level whatsoever. It’s a bit of a sick concept to bring Competitive PVP elements like discord, gear, strats, coordination to a casual pvp environment without securing the same for the opposition. If they want to do this by all means but please put these childish clowns into their own echo chamber queue. Stop punishing solo’s in a random.

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No they don’t . A large number of players play both factions and are in multiple communities on both sides . Except for one nutty female fox pirate , the community leads are ok with that


I’m in favor of the Communities and I don’t think sync-queues are technically a violation of the rules. There’s no guarantee that the syncing will work and it often doesn’t. The concept of a bunch of players who know how to play the maps and want to cooperate and win, in my opinion, is about as within the intent of Communities as it can get.

The problem is when they cross the line into bullying, both the pugs on their own team and farming the enemy players over winning the match. Back in the day I joined Gingerbeast’s community (which I found out later was SoD) and I really liked his style. He went into a match planning to work around whatever the pugs did and we always went for the win. Yes we sync-queued but we played it straight with no drama, no exploits, no bullying. Lot of fun. I don’t know what happened to Gingerbeast but I really liked his style.

The current vogue in premades is to go straight for the bullying and crow about it on the forums. I’m not a fan of that style at all.

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^ This.

Blizzard did say premade raids drive players away from PvP. That’s one of the big reasons why Blizzard doesn’t want premade raids in random bgs.


They’re attempting to circumvent (and successfully circumventing) a restriction that gives them an unfair, competitive advantage. Under the rules, that’s considered cheating.

If it doesn’t work, they drop queue and requeue until it does work.

Spent most of the morning and day in pug ebgs on the alliance side…basically …Rush the boss…we fail …que the GG and you all blow etc. The nodes are unattended and road fighting is a big fun event. Winning Charlie sheen style…WINNING!!! (and don’t forget the OMG who capped Snowfall gg wow you blow)

So much flexing between “premade communities” yet they farm randoms. Why not actually compete against each other in rated? Oh yeah, you drop groups when you face other premades. That shows it to be less about organized play, having fun with friends, or being the best community. It’s about stomping on pugs with ez mode enabled.


EXACTLY. I love my Night Elf druid, her transmogs, and shadowmeld is priceless. But really I only play WoW at all because I like epic BGs and no other game I’ve played has them. The bane of playing Night Elf is she has to suffer through Alliance side epics. Meanwhile I’m not as smitten with my troll druid but Horde epics are far more enjoyable.

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I’m telling you

We need an epic bg premade fight night

They won’t fight eachother though

For the same reason they do sync q

Afraid to lose :expressionless:


Same my troll druid looks runs like she’s wearing a diaper lol…I play Resto nelf on alli side

Who says? On another thread looks like DJL and SPM are gonna hash stuff out on friday night

We’re gonna need a spreadsheet of who’s in who’s group

and a stream

I’ll be the card girl

:bell: :bell: :bell: