Premades in random and epic bg's need to end



Game typically tries to match games with 5 man parties against each other, however the game can’t do that when multiple 5 man groups are syncing to get into a match. It just views them as normal 5 mans, not a raid group. We, as the players, can clearly tell it’s a synced in raid group using multiple 5 man parties - the game can’t.

I think its fine if a 5 man group queues for a normal BG because the game will already do what it can, which is attempt to pair them up against another. That’s my stance on the matter.

An ‘average player’ who really enjoys playing epic BGs would keep queuing. The /afk option is available should they feel they are facing a ‘premade.’ 15 mins then just queue again.

The ‘average player’ who quits playing because of ‘premades’ was not queuing because they actually enjoy playing epic BGs. They were queuing for the chance they’d be carried by the team and could exit as fast as possible with the only thing they wanted: honor/conquest. They don’t actually care about anything beyond that.


This I agree with. If I notice I’m against a known premade (Ruthlessbro is the main alliance group now) then I try to let pugs know we can’t play the traditional way like racing north as they will likely stay SHGY or intercept players in mid running towards SHGY. You typically let pugs know it’s a premade and to hold the Horde choke point. In the end, you may (likely) lose but if you coordinate in a big ball of fire, you stop the big camps and can revel in the fact a pvp premade had to burn towers and kill NPCs to win.

Obviously have to adjust per bg but AV seems to be the big premade lovers BG


If that’s so then the issue is on blizz’s end to match multiple groups as best it can. I tend to think the system is able to do that to some extent, as I see ‘premades’ facing ‘premades’ most nights i’m able to play.

Whatever the case i’ve always wanted group matching as much as possible in eBGs.

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It can’t, because it doesn’t have access to external voice comms that players are using to sync the queue in the first place.

If you wanted to truly match premades vs premades, you’d need to allow queueing as a raid group and only pairing those queueing in a raid to others queueing in a raid, as well as a checkbox option for the solo/party players to serve as backfill for those raid queues.

Premades vs premades bgs currently just boils down to luck, there’s not many instances of battlegrounds happening at once, and if multiple premades are queueing at the same time, you’re bound to get a premade vs premade in some matches. Again, that’s not done purposely by the system though in some way to try to match them.

Doesn’t that say something when people would rather leave a game and not PvP for a while?

And more people keep cycling out of that game and taking the deserter debuff because they’re not enjoying going against a premade raid?


If someone doesn’t enjoy getting roflstomped by a premade raid and getting toyed with, then they don’t actually enjoy epic bgs?

Maybe they enjoy fair/competitive games and not one-sided roflstomps by cheaters.

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Very smart! Yes, on horde side i can see this communication working as well as it can with pugs. Alliance side, most of the team isn’t even reading the chat… lol

Yeah we love our AV, don’t we! Personally i don’t have any trouble enjoying a win burning towers or getting Galv/Balinda. :dracthyr_uwu:


I had mixed results in my time as Alliance when queuing against Hydra. This was quite a few years ago. Had some fun matches, most were losses but anytime there’s actual pvp in av (not a rush to a boss) I was happy.

And as an added bonus, assuming there’s plenty of people queuing, it desyncs you from the premade. The next time you get a game, they’ll already be in a different game.

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That’s when you run into a different premade raid.

It can be pretty rough on the Alliance if you queue when multiple Horde premade raids are running.



I like reading your perspective even if we don’t always agree. The communities i play with don’t use voice comms to sync.

Otherwise i think you’re right there is some luck involved in getting a ‘premade’ matched with a ‘premade’.

I’d like better match making, period. The only potential downside would be longer queues, which would also be a matter of luck. If longer queues become an issue, folks could still sync solo.

The weird thing to me about the few folks super upset about sync queues is i don’t believe they actually care about epic BGs, per my earlier post.


Ah, right, plenty of randoms queuing, on both sides, not just a blend.

Very dependent on the time of day though.

Yeah. It’s probably bad for Alliance pugs during Horde premade raid primetime.

On the topic of premade VS premade and blizzards attempt to match groups VS other groups.

It is true that Blizzard does it’s best.

However, we know that some groups will leave if they did not get their desired amount of players. There are other Epic groups (albeit very few) who will leave if they see they are facing another premade. When this happens, Blizz attempts to backfill. The backfilling is not always looking for premades, and instead is looking for the next person in line. I get back filled into more premade BG’s than I do VS joining from the start.

I do agree that pre-made groups need to be removed. If you want to do group content, that’s what the Ranked ones are for, since you cannot rando-que for those.

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To be fair these epic bg “premades” are just like-minded folks who all want to listen to directions and work as a team. They typically are mixed with pugs and the leader types in chat just like any other group. There is nothing stopping pugs from doing this except the annoying turds who don’t want to work as a team. I’ve had pugs who actually follow a leader and destroy the other side, it doesn’t take a premade. Just takes 40 people who are actually willing to listen to a leader and not do their own thing.

The problem is as soon as people see it’s a premade like SAS or Ruthlessbro they all start quitting. They lost before it even started.


I have to say Yoggy ran with a lot of pugs but they got to know him and saw they were winning a lot so they listened for the most part. As far as I am concerned that’s just why I’d rather have Premades as they aren’t all talking foolish stuff and running around trying to be an all star achieving nothing then losing. Even the talk is negative people complain too much in pugs and attack each other constantly. Premades at least respect each other and work towards the goals of the match versus wasting time and effort. Even in premades pugs constantly complain about this or that…sometimes the entire match… I was in a premade the other night where one pug was telling everybody off the entire game for no reason whatsoever. whereas the team are working together and don’t jump on each other.


Premade don’t need to end. Match making for them needs to be tighter.


Yea some people just come to the internet to be the jerk cause they are too scared to be in real life because they like their teeth in their mouth.