Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

How do you get that from:


Yes. I do play with a community. You know this, you and I have discussed it in the past.

My opinion is that it falls into a gray area. Some premades are casual and just play for fun but others do go out of their way to grief and disrupt multiple games.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

You’re the problem. No, I don’t remember what every player does.

Because they aren’t explicit and the response is vague.

The response is very not vague…

Just because you don’t like the response doesn’t mean that it isn’t clear.

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“I am not going to argue if it is an exploit because I know it isn’t one. But I still want to randomly ban people for participating in activities that are allowed in the game.”

By this logic:
You are ruining my experience of the game therefore you should be permanently banned from the game. After all, you existing is a scummy behaviour by you that should be bannable under the code of conduct because you existing ruins the game.

It is the exact same logic as the one you are implicitly using. Unless you are arguing for special pleading/treatment/cases to be established solely on the basis of what you like. At which point … just go away. Those arguments are honestly even worse because at that point you can argue that merely imagining something is enough for something to be a bannable offense.

“I want Blizzard to randomly ban people who play together. If two premade groups organize themselves, of which I have no evidence to back that up unless I’m also part of the premade and thus breaking this arbitrary rule I’m trying to establish as well, then merely communicating between each other is a bannable offense.”

You are trying to ban people from talking with each other outside of premade groups. Effectively, someone communicates in a chat whether in-game or outside of the game, you are saying that should be a bannable offense. To talk with another person. Should get you banned in WoW. Because you don’t want people to communicate or organize in random BGs.

Grow up.

My guy, this is LITERALLY vague relative to the question asked. Holy hell this is painful.

He said queueing at the same time isn’t cheating. That isn’t the same as giving the green light for 8 people todo it.

Again, this all boils down to raids being removed. Since you folks continue to ignore that, the rest of us will press it.

If they wanted raids queuing they would allow raids to queue. They don’t.

So, when do you think the cut off is? Is it restricted to only 2 people? Or 2 groups?

I’ll respond when you respond to me first.

Address that first.

Raids aren’t queuing.

Groups are queuing. What the system does with those groups is out of our hands.

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It’s not out of your hands. You leave and retry.

Leaving a queue is also not exploiting.

If Blizzard didn’t want people to leave the queue, they would have disabled the button like they did for BGB and RSS.

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Your inability to read doesn’t make something “vague.” It is clear as day both with and without the additional context.

Learn. To. Read.

And get a real hobby. You have spent the past 2 weeks here having done nothing with your own life except randomly insult, berate, harass, and misconstrue people to lie and more. And this is just what you have done in this thread. You did it earlier as well and no doubt you’ll do it more once this thread goes quiet because people are tired of dealing with such a bad faith anti-illectualist troll like yourself.

30+ leaving a bg is also fine by you? Just good to make this clear to everyone.

I mean, we know you’re fine with ruining the game for others, just nice to make sure everyone understands.

Posting on multiple alts as if you are having a conversation isn’t logical.

True and it impacts other games too when it cascades into other games.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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No. And the community that I play with very rarely does it. We usually want to play games, so will usually take whatever the queue gives us.

And comments like this are why Blizzard shuts down threads in CS and ignore the ones on General.

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Yep. If you aren’t having to deal with the actual premade, than you’re having to deal with the loss of starting a match with no one on your team.

Rarely does but you do. Got it. Appreciate the honesty.

They have for sure. Hopefully we can break through soon. The traction this thread has gotten is great.

I would like to point out that queues generally are only dropped if only one group gets a pop. Not when 5 groups get a pop. So our specific community is not the reason your team starts with 30 less players.

Obviously, I can’t speak for how other communities run their games. But I can’t see their members lasting long if they are forced to play queue simulator all night.

I was talking about teams that are leaving games that are already active.

Oh, then, I don’t think we’ve ever done that.