Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

We don’t need to.

The only thing we need to say is that Blizzard deems that queueing manually via a countdown, over voice, or any other communication method, is not an exploit.

Roughly translates to

“We can’t so we’re just going to continue doubling down on the word of Blizzard like it’s gospel” lol

Because it is.

You agreed to accept their rules. We all did.

If you don’t like their rules, you can dispute it using their process.

Exactly. They know it’s unfair and are not only fine with it, but they think it’s intended and good. Crazy.

Are you people for real? Premades are literally destroying epic bgs right now and this is your response?

The blue post didn’t give the green light for 8 groups all queueing together. It’s saying that one group trying to queue into another isn’t an issue.

Here’s the rules…

anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

It goes without saying that this is degrading the experience for other players.

Again, not debatable.

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Tell you what:

Next time you see a group you think is doing this, send in a ticket to report the disruption. When you get a reply, post the full reply here.

That process being giving feedback.

Which we’re all doing.

Right now.

Unless you forgot what one of the purposes of a forum is for?

The blue post didn’t restrict the number of groups which can queue.

Adding your own context doesn’t make it correct.

Yes. And you have given feedback. Well done.

You can also uninstall the game or apply for a third party arbitration.


So why do you keep chirping the same talking point over and over again as if saying it repeatedly is going to make any difference here lol

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Because I choose to, I haven’t asked you to stop either, have I?

You haven’t asked any of us to stop, but your perspective on the matter seems to largely imply that you’d wish we would just shut up about it because of what Blizzard has stated.

Because if the only rebuttal you have is “that’s what Blizzard said,” then you don’t actually have a rebuttal. You just have a cudgel that you’re using to silence critique lol

It’s the only one I need.

Blizzard creates and arbitrates the rules. No one else does.

bruh weve been thru this for years on bg forums .
you know it is . There is nothing to argue with you about .
Qsyncing epics n dropping ques is exploiting the system . Period.



they still are . period.

Arguing if it’s an exploit or not isn’t something I’m interested in.

It’s just scummy behavior that ruins the game experience of others, and for that it should be banned under the code of conduct.

It actively ruins Epic BGs for me and everyone else who has to face the trolls forming premades, and it doesn’t matter if it’s an exploit or what Blizz has said in the past.

We should just be asking why trolling and griefing on a massive, continuous scale is being allowed in this game mode.

Why is Blizz ok with Discord communities actively ruining the game experience for others?

That seems like something they would be interested in stopping, as there is literally no downside to enforcing 5-player max groups.


Blizzard also makes changes to rules depending on customer feedback and trending issues in the game. Blizzard arbitrates the rules, but their decisions are (or at least should be) in consideration by what the playerbase has given them.

Your argument makes no sense and is basically contingent on ignoring the developer-player relationship necessary to keep these games going. These games are called live-service for a very specific reason lol

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Well, until if/when they do, good luck in your next eBG.

A really excellent point that people have continued to fail to address.

Like, cutting through all the fat around the arguments, the baseline takeaway should be that it makes the game worse for other people, and that is something Blizzard claims to care about time and again.

So like, why aren’t they doing anything about it?


I do. And I routinely get those, “We can’t tell you who was banned for privacy reasons but we did ban them.” responses.

Turns out the people who routinely exploit epic BG queues are prone to botting, apparently.

You’re the ones adding context for where it’s missing.

One group queuing into another isn’t the same as 8 groups queueing to circumvent the system designed to not allow that.

In the end, you’re fine with players ruining the game of others. I’m assuming you do this and that’s why you defend it.