Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

You replied to the line about MMR.

How can you reasonably expect a fair match when there’s no system to attempt to balance the sides?

No, it isn’t. Because Blizzard deems it not to be.

No it isn’t. The original question was about whether a guild with multiple groups queueing together for an AV was cheating. The Blue response is:

Yes, you get a random map. You can choose to use the same queue for a specific map, at which point it’s no longer called random.

Blizzard just needs to scrap these special programs and quit giving other unpaid players an egotistical “status” over other players.


we had legion templates but ppl complained about stat customization so here we are

LOL fr

yeah for classic av mode ,not regular qs bruh

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If it isn’t cheating in one version of AV, why does it become cheating in another?

You’re so incredibly dishonest. We aren’t talking about the randomness of the maps.

We are talking about the randomness of the players.

MMR might be a way to go but there are down sides like increased queue times.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

It’s a FIFO queue. It’s ‘random’ in the sense that you don’t have direct control over everyone who’s on both teams.

But it’s only called random by blizzard if you’re opting for random map. Whatever names players decided for something does not directly apply.

They didn’t, you’re struggling with reading comprehension. The full quote is that a few people happening to queue up at the same time isn’t a reportable offense. That’s not the same as saying that 20 people should sync their queuing to bypass the raid restriction for epic BG’s.

By definition that is an exploit. I don’t care what you think Blizzard’s stance is, you’re arguing with the definition of a word.

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They did, repeatedly, their policy has not changed…


Ah yes, a quote from when Bush Jr. was still president. I wonder if Blizzard’s policy changed since then and whether or not they disabled the ability to queue as a raid in the mean time?

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What about the quote from the post in 2019 makes you think that they’ve changed their minds?

Apparently, AV is not an epic BG.

Because that’s the only way dismissing that as ‘irrelevant’ makes any sort of sense.

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Or the old version somehow has different rules.

No one is joining these games thinking they are going to be facing a premade. If that was the case, no one would be doing them.

What we do know and what we expect is random map against random players.

Why did they remove the option for raids to queue? Can any of you respond to that?

These players are clearly circumventing that change.

They want an unfair advantage but only when it suits themselves.

They’d stop immediately if queuing as a premade raid forced them to fight another premade raid.

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Isn’t that what you want to happen?