Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Do you seriously think everyone is going to have the same internet connection, the same communication methods, the same computer, living in the same home?

This is what we call shifting the goalposts lol

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No, shifting the goal post is you making something out to be an exploit when Blizzard said it isn’t, then you chosing to ignore the answer because you don’t like it.

Again, These are players who understand how the queue is intended to work (FIFO), and are using the fact that it’s working as intended to achieve a desired result.

Unless tweaks to the queue are made, this is just optimizing around the intended behavior of the queue.

It’s interesting that you started out like this.

And this has been posted countless times…

But you are still here days later arguing:

Yes, the only one anyone needs is this:

The only reason people keep giving extra arguments is because there are people who are continuing to refuse to accept the rules stated by a Blizzard representative.

This actually isn’t what shifting the goalposts is. It’s called disagreeing with Blizzard’s conclusions, but alright.

Furthermore, this argument is really bad because it assumes Blizzard can do no wrong; That they aren’t susceptible to bad decisions and that we shouldn’t be allowed to question their actions when such actions are made at the expense of the game.

If that’s how you approach these conversations, then I sure hope you don’t whine about anything Blizzard does lol

I’ve recognized Blizzard’s answer. I know what they said. I think their answer is ignorant and blatantly contradicts their actions in the past, thus warranting additional clarification on their part, and I think your inability to see reason beyond that demonstrates not only your incapacity to leverage a coherent argument that counters what I’ve said beyond “b-b-b-but Blizzard said,” but similarly how bad faith you’re acting in this conversation lol

Well, on all matters related to what is and isn’t against the rules or is/isn’t an exploit, blizzard’s opinion is the ONLY one that matters. They have the final say. If you don’t agree with it, you can give feedback, but trying to say that blizzard’s wrong about what the rules are will generally result in you being told to pound sand.

And they’ve made their opinion on this perfectly clear.

If that’s the case, then why even have a forum lol

What a ridiculous notion to make.

The feedback here is that Blizzard is wrong and they should reevaluate their stance. I’ve offered ample feedback and reasoning as to why they should.

Hope that helps!

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The forums are here for players to discuss amongst ourselves. It has Blizzard representatives as moderators and sometimes they provide clarity or news about a particular topic.

It isn’t here as a place for us to demand that the Developers change the game for us.

Blizzard has acknowledged that they gather feedback from the forums, so your assumption is categorically false.


But it precisely is for that purpose. Go make a ticket whining about something and GMs will refer you to this forum to provide feedback that is (supposedly) collected by CMs.

Try again.


Of course they do. But it isn’t the specific reason for the forums to exist.

Tickets aren’t the correct way of providing feedback.

The GM refer you to a range of places to provide feedback, one of which is the forums, where any insane demands will be argued with other players until a consensus is found.

In fact, I’d bet the same canned response that they give you refers you to WoWhead too, is that a place to provide feedback to the developers? Just because the GMs referred you to it?


You don’t like the rule as written. That is your opinion.

Until they make changes, sync queue is currently allowed. Deal with it.

But, that doesn’t mean your interpretation has any weight on it’s own.

It has no force behind it unless blizzard adopts your proposed changes. Therefore, until any hypothetical changes happen, factually not an exploit.

if u q for ebg as a raid teh game blocks u. if u find a way to bring ur raid in anyway dat is by definishun exploiting n has real negative consequences for teh ppl who u q into n teh ppl who get stuck on a team with a significant porshun missing wen teh sinkers drop cuz they didn’t get a full raidwide pop


You’re right.

But it’s not just my interpretation, now is it? Several people have echoed similar sentiments.

More than that, nobody has seemingly been able to offer a rebuttal that isn’t hinging on a singular word nor one that explains why Blizzard is right beyond “they just are right because they make the game.”

So until someone can actually give me a credible argument adequately explaining why something like manual queueing should still be allowed when it has a demonstrated negative impact on the game, I’m going to assume my stance is the correct one.

  1. ad populum fallacy.
  2. my point still stands. Until blizzard changes something, factually not an exploit.

Because the only thing that matters is they make the rules. You agreed to the EULA, which specifically gives them that right. If you no longer agree to these terms, your remedy is to delete your account.

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“Appeal to Popularity” is a fallacy in terms of argumentative logic.
If you collect 99 people with no idea about anything that all are confidently saying the same thing, of which they have no idea about or have any basis for what they believe in but simply repeat it because it is popular … it still doesn’t change the validity of their argument.

A single person with good arguments outweighs 99 people’s poor arguments always.

People have been. You are just ignoring them because you dislike that they don’t agree with you.

There doesn’t need to be any further explanations. Blizzard is the creator and arbiter of the rules. Everyone agreed to accept their arbitration process when we agree to the EULA.


Which is why my entire argument doesn’t hinge on the fact that everyone else is saying it.

Me pointing out that other people share similar sentiments is merely to show that it’s not just me saying something.

Well, if you have a good argument to give, I’m all ears lol

They really haven’t been

Relevant language:
“Blizzard may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Platform, Games, or Accounts at any time, including removing items, or revising the effectiveness of items in an effort to balance a Game. Blizzard may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to parts or all of the Platform, Games, or Accounts without notice or liability.”

“This Agreement is effective upon your creation of an Account, and shall remain in effect until it is terminated or superseded by a New Agreement, or, if neither of the foregoing events occur, as long as you continue using the Platform.”

" You may terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying Blizzard by email through and by uninstalling the Platform and the Games, but the Dispute Resolution provisions of this Agreement will survive termination and apply to all Disputes that arose or could have been initiated prior to termination."
