Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

But they explicitly made it clear that doing it manually, without automation to assist, is allowed.

Which is the same thing that’s happening here.


Multiboxing still isn’t against ToS. Only the automation of inputs, which again, is also already been stated as something disallowed for PvP queuing.

Is anyone of you even capable of a single coherent non-self defeating argument…?

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Yes it was a changed stance which is why anything is possible.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

valid points…i agree, adroi.

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The change was more significant than that.

“Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way”

I report multibotters larger than 2 anytime I see them, because it’s virtually impossible to control more than 2 accounts without violating above in some fashion. Dual boxing is possible, but exceedingly clunky, and it’s obviously clunky when you watch them.

Keep in mind, what you may see, doesn’t mean it is always true. And judging by recent threads in CS, there is something in which monitors such applications too, though I think the action to the account is still manually done, but there is stuff like that.

Okay, so basically, it’s precisely as I stated before:

The only reason why Blizzard hasn’t done anything about this issue is because they don’t care to.

Glad we could come to an agreement lol


Or because people aren’t breaking the rules in doing it. Just because you think it is against the TOS or EULA or IGCOC, doesn’t mean it is.

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It was a wide sweeping change and a decision that took a while to be reached. That is why it wasn’t a sudden reversal and in fact it required proper communication from BlizZard.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

By the very limitations Blizzard has put into the game and acknowledgements about premades, they have very much broken the rules lol.

The only thing the blue post demonstrates is a major contradiction on their part that needs addressed, because if premades aren’t a problem, then they should probably make it so that you can queue up with a premade rather than having to circumvent the system to make it possible.

Like, is this really that difficult of a concept to understand here?

They haven’t done anything about something which isn’t an issue. If that’s your take on it, then yes we are in agreement. But … as you demonstrate below… no.

No matter how much ya’ll keep pretending this, no. They haven’t.
Unless folks are using addons at which point, report 'em and said addon.

It isn’t a contradiction, and your inability to read something doesn’t mean that there’s a problem that needs solving. No matter how much folks keep pretending.

We keep asking ya’ll that but none of you seem to get it.

The policies are pretty clear. They are against the automation of the queue-sync, just like how they’re pretty much against any form of automation in general.

How hard is it to really gasp at that?

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You control one character and then put everyone else to follow. Then when you have killed, looted, or gathered something you alt-tab between windows.

Alt-tabbing is extremely easy.

And now we’ve come full circle back onto the automation thing, even though Blizzard’s reason for taking action on automated queueing itself had nothing to do with automation, but rather its impact on the game.

The same impact, mind you, that manual queueing has lol

Again: WoW players are extremely silly individuals.

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The automation is what made it have an impact. So, yes, it had everything to do with the automation.

Why did Blizzard only break the addon? Why did nobody get actioned for queue-syncing? Why is queue syncing still accepted today, assuming it is manually done?

Explain how lol

Seriously, explain how its impact has any difference from manual queueing lol

And a new set of rules must be made to tackle this modern new problem indeed.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Because with automation, there was no effort put into the queue sync, in otherwords, more people were able to do it back then. Today, 1-2-3 click doesn’t mean a garentee sync, especially when got to have it perfectly timeed in order to do so, considering when you hit queue for the BG, everyone also has to select their role if I remember correctly?

There is no new rules. It is the same rules as always has been, just minus the automation part.

You can say that with relation to just about anything in game.

One person using a bot on 1 account to gather herbs while watching netflix for a few hours has the same impact on the game as 1 person manually following a path and gathering herbs that way.

But one is banned and the other isn’t.


Counting backwards from 3 is not “effort” lol

Brother, do you actually think coordinating to press a button at the same time is some insurmountable achievement that very few people are able to do?

Guys, I know you think you’ve conjured up some really excellent counterpoints to this argument, but a person simply playing the game as intended is not the same as a group of individuals not playing the game as intended by circumventing the systems in place.

You’re grasping at strawman arguments and whataboutisms to make your point.