Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Yeah, you can’t.

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If you want to be toxic, that is on you. But don’t forget, everyone here can report you for that toxicity as well.

Well, you’re welcome to your interpretation…


Yes, I am welcome to provide the feedback to intercept what was really said. If Blizzard didn’t want premades in the battlegrounds, they could’ve just made the queue a solo queue.

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I know from history that BlizZard will over look it but if they disrupt enough games then BlizZard will step in.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

If Blizzard wanted premade raids in random bgs, they’d let players queue up in a raid group.


Think about it.


A solo queue doesn’t stop these premade raids, because they’d be sync queuing 30+ “solo” players to bring their premade raids into random bgs.

And if Blizzard thought it was an exploit, they would’ve done something a long time ago.

Think about that one too.



If it was allowed then there is no point in circumvent mechanisms in place.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Premades of any kind is not something that they have been fond of. Correct. Because from a PvP perspective, that messes up the game.

Here’s the thing that everyone trying to argue in this thread forgets:
WoW isn’t League of Legends, it is a MMO - not a MOBA, FPS game, or any other kind of typical PvP game. BGs are part of the MMO. Which I already covered days ago.

This is a non-issue specifically BECAUSE it is unrated, and these “issues” are solved in rated BGs already.

And guess what … his personal opinion doesn’t matter. What he likes or dislikes doesn’t matter. And note, again, what he says:
“Anything that deliberately circumvents the in-game constraints.”

  1. There’s no constraint from multiple premade groups trying to get into the same BG by queueing at the same time.
  2. There IS a constraints on addons that automate that process.
  3. I want to stress this again; a personal opinion, even as a lead designer/developer, is still a personal opinion. What matters are official statements and those are blue posts.

A guy who is so much into PvP he ended up the head of PvP for WoW … yeah he’s gonna have a warped perspective. Because that was literally his job, to focus on PvP related questions. Him being annoyed that friends or randoms playing together in larger than groups of 5 is entirely sensible and valid.
Does it matter? Nope, not in the slightest.

WoW is a MMO, not a PvP game. And even employing a PvP mindset and design this entire debacle is a moot point. Because it has to do with unrated PvP, meaning that restrictions should purposefully be far more loose as long as one doesn’t actively grief or exploit the game.

And what is Blizzard’s ruling in this regard? That’s right: it ain’t an exploit.
It is a moot point from literally EVERY aspect one decides to view it from.

Which is what they are introducing come… pre-patch? Or maybe only first when TWW has launched. But yes, they are introducing a mode like that and guess what …

It is for rated PvP.

This is a non-issue especially because this “issue” only exists in the minds of people upset about random unrated BGs.

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And you are only allowed to officially queue with only five people max.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

And also are allowed to have 2 or more parties of 5 go 1, 2, 3, queue.

If they want match quality to go up, maybe the unrated BGs should use hidden MMR.

That makes no logical sense. Because the job of a PVP dev is to look after PVP. That isn’t bias that is job description.

You lost the narrative again.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

You’re forgetting important steps, here let me help you.

  1. Did Both party queue pop at the same time?
  2. If No, drop the queues and repeat the count down (mean while a BG has started with 10 players missing)
  3. If Yes, take the queue and enjoy the Premade Raid experience.

true…99% of the time if you’re up against a premade…
you’re going to get destroyed…
and that does take the fun out of pvp…getting
absolutely routed…no chance of victory.
premades should only be played against premades…
surely they could manage that, this being 2024 and all!


Yup and I was thinking that a staggered queue system solves some of this issue.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Blizzard is surprisingly effective at ignoring problems for months or even years. It’s only in response to mass outrage that they ever do anything, which I assume is why there are people typing furiously nonstop that this isn’t a problem.

If there is enough outcry about it, they will do something. My prediction is that the easiest solution is to schedule queue pops.

Fill multiple queues at a time, and make non-backfill queues only pop every minute or two. Making it that much harder to coordinate queues. Throw in progressively more intense penalties for not accepting battleground queues, and it would make it that much harder.

Behind the scenes, they could probably even go a step further and actively prevent the same 5 man groups from winding up in the same battlegrounds back to back.

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That is why my motto is feedback matters. Customers must voice said feedback.

Only way to change things for the better.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


But that isn’t unique to facing premades.

You can pretty easily who’s going to win (especially in epic BGs), by looking at how much HP players have.

If one side has a lot more players under 700k HP, and the other has more players over 1.3M, the side with better gear is going to win by not even close.

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true, caps…but premades make that even worse.

Same argument that multibotters trotted out endlessly. Their stances change, mostly based on how angry the player base is about the status quo.

You’ll notice that multibotting software was all made against ToS.