Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

True a clarification would be nice and the lack of consistency is a glaring, ongoing issue that has to be resolved in a manner that is congruent.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Well, about 5 years after his twitter posts, we get official word that queueing at the same time as someone else, using voice chat never has been against the rules.

Here’s your answer:
They aren’t the same, and pretending that they are isn’t an argument. The end.

Yeah there is no sound, logical explanation that I have seen so far. We are all waiting still…

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

which one of these things isn’t permitted:

  • automation
  • playing with friends

wait wait.

let me make it easier.

one of these things is not like the other,
one of these things just doesn’t belong.
can you tell me which thing is not like the other,
by the time i’m finished my song.

does that help make it any easier?

automation isn’t permitted.

playing with friends, is.


Playing with more than five friends has never been allowed in BGs.

Face it you lost the narrative again.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

First of all, they never said they don’t want premade groups in random battlegrounds, they said they invite those players to other modes of PVP. They have never said “they never want.”

Really? Because…

And that’s literally what we do. 3… 2…1… go.


BlizZard will over look it to an extent but when it disrupts multiple games they might have to step in.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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even though everyone has linked blue posts stating otherwise.

the narrative was clearly laid out in blue and white.

your refusal to accept it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist,

The multi-boxing argument is extremely bad, and makes you look willfully ignorant about the issue at hand at best, and completely uninformed and incapable of understanding what the issue actually is at worst.

In the event of multiboxing, the software was the issue. Using software gave players a monumental advantage in the game. With multiboxing, the exploit was the software. Multiboxing in and of itself is not an exploit. It’s just one person playing multiple accounts which, if you can do, then good on you lol

Automated queueing is not an exploit. It is a means of using an exploit that exists within the game. In the current discussion at hand, the exploit exists within the game, and people are using that exploit to circumvent systems and walls that Blizzard has specifically put in to halt people from entering randoms with premade raid groups. Automated queueing and manual queueing are both sides of the same coin, the only difference being that automated queueing removes the need for players to count backwards from three.

Then maybe Blizzard should make it so that you can queue premade raid groups into randoms rather than having you circumvent the system in place preventing you from doing that lol

WoW players are so silly.


Is this like a semantics thing?

Blizzard explained how premade raids harm the PvP community:

Someone asked the head PvP dev on Twitter:

(^ He deleted his old tweets.)


It is 100% a semantics thing lol

This is all they have


The problem here for your argument that 5 is a hard limit (aside from the blue post saying you’re perfectly fine to do it manually), is that it’s theoretically possible for it to happen without queue syncing, or players trying to force it.

Its entirely possible to unintentionally end up in a BG with 6 people other you already know, by effectively random chance. Unless that is, you think that queueing up at the same time more than 4 other guildies are online is an exploit.


Still doesn’t mean they are not wanted.

If that’s your interpretation after reading Blizzard’s explanation that premade raids harm the PvP community…



“It’s not possible for more than 5 to queue into the same random battleground”

But also

“If me and my discord community are coordinating queues to guarantee we all get in the same random battleground, this isn’t a problem”

It will never cease to impress me how boldly people will defend exploits on the forums. Saw the same nonsense with multibotters vehemently defending their behavior right up until it became functionally against ToS.


They can not face the truth that the party is coming to an end.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

No, you’re misinterapting what they are saying. They have said, they are not fond of premades in BG’s, and wish for those who do to try out other PVP Modes. Does not mean they are not wanted in random battlegrounds.

But Blizzard also made the stance pretty clear too on this. They can not do anything about this, as long as the players are not using any addons or ways of automation to do it.

Okay, but we aren’t talking about random chance? We are specifically talking about people intentionally exploiting a system and dropping queues, which impedes on the player experience.

This is an illogical point to make.

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