Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Here, I’ll make everyone a deal.

First person, to link an actual source, from any of the Blizzard employee’s, saying that manually queuing-syncing for battlegrounds is not allowed and is considered as cheating or exploiting, I’ll gift them 60 day game time


Read the rest of the quote. Otherwise your opinion is fundamentally worthless lol

That, and the people who start them are probably aware of this thread (given that most of them posted in here), so they are getting locked as spam, and for violating the no duplicate posts rule.


The justification for the change is not relevant to the discussion of what the change was.


Well, your opinion is worthless because you can’t prove that manually queue-syncing is considered as cheating or exploiting.

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There’s only been some direct evidence, and mountains of circumstantial evidence that it’s not.

Not everything you don’t like is an exploit.


They also know full-well that people who post there will get dogpiled on in the most condescending pedantic manner.

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Point in case…

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Yeah, unless you can provide a reasonable explanation for this, then I’m just going to circle back to my original point about you not having an argument to stand on.

Justification absolutely matters in this circumstance because it explains Blizzard’s decision to do something. They didn’t take action on automated queueing because it was automated; they did so because it impacted the game.

I fail to see how manual queueing is any different in this circumstance, but I’ll continue waiting for that explanation that tries to differentiate them anyways lol


Well, it’s consistent with their recent stance on multi-boxing, as is officially stated here:

(Tl;dr: you’re allowed to do it, no automated assistance of any kind)

They even used the same justification for banning input mirroring:

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Multi-boxing is not exploiting a system.

But they used the same justification (negatively impacts the player experience) when banning the automation to assist.

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Neither is queue syncing. You only look at it as an exploit because you don’t like it. But as Caps said:


Okay, so you just don’t know what exploiting is.

Got it lol

I understand that.

But it’s still not exploiting a system.

That is a lucid point.

More PVP happens on WoW forums than DF arena and BGs these days.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I know what exploiting is. I just know what is an exploit and what is not.

If you can’t recognize that circumventing a system in place is an exploit, then you don’t actually know what an exploit is lol



Forming a raid group to do world PVP is allowed but when Swifty formed multiple raid groups that disrupts the entire server stability BlizZard took action against him. The action taken against Swifty wasn’t because he formed raid groups for world PVP but because the resulting disruption of game play for everyone else.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

If you considered multiple friends friends or a guild wanting to do a random battle ground together is an exploit, then you obviously do not know what an exploit is.

Blizzard doesn’t consider this an exploit, therefore it isn’t. By definition. End of story.

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